Monday, February 12, 2018

The Soul

**Here is an excerpt from Chapter 7 in The Flow of Change for the Soul. There are diagrams that go along with the information and I cannot figure out how to put them into the blog:

The soul is the part within that keeps your body alive and gives your heart the spark of life to beat another day. The soul is the part of your creator that dwells within the body for creation while in this dimension.

The day you stop creating while in this body, the flame of life that makes your heart beat stands alone. With nothing else to do, the soul gradually separates, and your colors will turn dark that some of you call auras.  Life and death is a process just as the flower that comes from a seed into full bloom. The soul cannot be destroyed as energy only changes form. The conscious level is what you think about and is your reality. All memories from the beginning of your life force comes from the Source of All Creation and is held in your soul.

Your ray of color is a product of the level of consciousness you are currently aware of, yet this color does not reflect what level of energy you hold in your memories that lead all the way back to the source that gave you individuality to begin with. You are constantly exchanging your knowledge with your creator that holds all knowledge for all souls.

Depending upon how conscious you are is what light color you hold at any given time. It changes as your awareness grows. The glow comes from the connection you have with your Creator though the components you activate at any time. The components (Diagram 1) activate the life force you hold that connects you to the spirit which brings you knowledge for creation. The knowledge will come from the Principles or you Creator (Diagram 7) through the grace of the Holy Spirit (Diagram 9).

When you reach this level of awareness, you will be able to feel the soul at work and it will radiate out into your world. Your energy changes with your awareness and each time you radiate this knowledge out in to your world, you will see changes within your physical environment. You will pull like energy into your view like a magnet.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Light of Truth in Physical Form

The light of truth came in physical form to show you the love and mercy so you can remember who you are. You had to see this event as the ultimate love to redeem your own fears. The barrier was broken through the sacrifice of the body because of your fears of what this Source means to you. When you understand that you need to forgive yourself for all the darkness you hold, the light of truth will shine forever more.
The knowledge of who you are in this body will have to be a gradual process as you attempt to understand it in a way that only you will be able to articulate. As your fears subside, you will accept this knowledge little by little. The knowledge comes from your Creator and depending upon which source you hold is what you will create in this dimension. If you are full of fear all the emotions that trail along with this source will enter your world. When you learn how to turn the fear-based thoughts into loving thoughts, your world will change and the source you get your knowledge from, or lack thereof, will change.
Knowing love is full of light brings forth many possibilities. Love makes things new as it brings forth healing. When you realize that love heals everything, your outside world changes as you seek for loving thoughts. If you are physically sick, you will gradually see changes in your appearance with each time you are able to hold on to a positive thought. It will take great effort on your behalf at the beginning of this stage as you seek for this connection. You will have to start with one thing to be grateful for that you can focus on to bring forth loving thoughts. Some people start with a prayer or by just looking at the foot in front of them to remind them that they only have the moment. Everyone will obtain the feeling of love differently. As you go through this process, remind yourself that the spirit lies within the moment and the past events or the future events have no meaning during this stage of development. The moment will connect you with gratitude for being here and with this feeling, love will not be far behind. The more love you obtain, the more changes you will see in your outside world.
When you experience the feeling of love, this is a sign that you have connected all the components that can activate knowledge from the Source of All Creation. As the mind, the body and the spirit connect, more knowledge will come from the process that grace brings. Healing will occur as the laws of the universe work for the promises that love brings.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Seeking the Spirit World for Answers

***The following entry is something I wrote dated 12-6-13. I was getting ready to go to bed tonight and felt compelled to go through numerous handwritten books I have collected through the years without understanding what I was looking for. This entry has drawings of the celestial spheres I refer to and there are many more pages that I am not adding to this entry. I am certain that the spirit will lead those to this entry that it is meant for***

The spirit world can be viewed as layers that surround you and go through you like the wind that blows through the trees. Each layer has its own current of energy which represents its own level of entities. The Source of All Creation created 9 levels of celestial beings that are broken into three spheres. The higher the sphere, the closer you get to this Source. Each level carries out creations as ordered by the Source. All levels are important just as the plants are vital to the earth’s survival. You are created to tap into any one of these levels based upon what you believe. You can move through each level like water as you swim through the ocean.

As you get more comfortable with asking for help from all the levels that the Source of All Creation made, you will begin to realize that the spirit world communicates with you through your thoughts to bring you knowledge. The more knowledge you seek, the more you will receive. When you question your sanity, you must keep your faith and accept that you are given this knowledge to utilize in your spiritual journey back to greatness. You can choose to expand on your knowledge or you can choose to do nothing. Your relationship with your higher power is for you to create whatever you want in your life.

If you give all your struggles to your higher power, you will obtain the knowledge of what to do to solve your problems. As you keep pushing all your worries towards your higher power for answers, you will wake up one day with solutions. The clarity will come like the fog that lifts from the trees to shine the sunlight on your day. The goal is to utilize all the levels of existence in your life. Your faith in this knowledge will reflect in all that surrounds you in your life.

Questions to ask yourself:

1.    Are you allowing others to hurt you or make you feel as though you do not matter?

2.    Do you try to tell others what they should think or how they should feel?

3.    Do you give to others without the expectation of something in return?

4.    Do you not give to others with the feeling that they are not good enough to help?

5.    Do you surround yourself with others that are weaker than you or stronger than you?

6.    Do you look back in your life and see relationships that you have caused pain in, yet you never made amends?


Saturday, January 20, 2018

How To Manifest Thoughts In The Matrix

As you remember the reasons for the body, you will gain understanding rapidly. The spirit will consume the body at this stage of development and you will feel it like a blanket at times. The mind will be hard at work with attempts to analyze what is occurring, but no logic is possible. There are no words to explain this process as you try to grasp how a vision of someone talking to you begins to be seen in your thoughts. The glow around people will become defined and smells will dominate your surroundings. You will discover that the smells will be wrapped around a knowing of things within the locations you are in just like the dog knows the scents of where others have walked.

The thoughts will move quickly into physical matter as your awareness of this process heightens. You will see, yet not see, all the particles that form the matter surrounding you. When looking towards the sky, theses particles will dance with the anticipation in the sunlight to form thoughts at your command. You are now aware that you are the creator in this body yet still must remind yourself to be disciplined with the rules.

The intentions must be at the forefront of your thoughts and the humility must cover the body. With no confusion as you move forward with clarity, you will need to visualize that the spirit is the orchestra of all that comes into physical form. Staying present with this knowledge and knowing this process manifests your thoughts, you will have to direct your thoughts accordingly. Ensure that the emotions are in check and are balanced with the thoughts as you bring the spirit into this dimension. The mind and body are needed for the spirit to create and the soul must fuse with the spirit for creation.

Once the soul and the spirit intertwine and the intensions blend with humility, the balanced emotions will mix with the thoughts to bring forth creation. The spirit directs this process through the mind and body. All combine to mix the thoughts into physical form. People you think about will begin to appear soon after the thought. Solutions to problems will manifest to make room for only loving thoughts and will be seen as miracles. The feeling behind the feeling will bubble to the surface to clean out the body of any confusion that may be buried for lifetimes.

The inside will begin to match the outside view. Even the global view will look different. The compassion will be understood as you look towards the confusion the masses hold. The spirit that is now fused with your soul will shine into this confusion to bring forth the healing for this planet through you. The thoughts will connect on a global scale and you will silently rewire the threads within the grid work of this planet. You will see, yet not see, this process at work as you fuse the sunlight of the spirit into the web of all thoughts to change the core components within the matrix of this planet.

You will then rise above the body consciously and connect with those who are hard at work behind the scenes. The ascended masters lie within this level of awareness and they will be guiding your body as all attempt to repair the damage that the dark forces have caused the earth and those who love it so. The spirit shines into this dimension and reflects the war in this unseen world. As you seek answers, this reflection will be seen inside the hologram your current conscious state of existence is housed in.

You will feel it growing and the confinements will seem suffocating as you stretch the boundaries of your current belief system. You reach further and further into the unknown to find that with each answer you receive, more questions arise. You must accept the limitations yet strive to exceed them as much as possible. Playing the game in the matrix means you must learn to observe and play a role at the same time. The observer is detached yet learning how to use the game to bring forth the new thoughts into reality for the benefits of all. The player must surrender to the observer to perform the tasks necessary to bring forth the manifestation of the new world to benefit all.

When totally consumed as the player, you will have periods where you will forget the observer is there watching to learn and is there planning the player’s next move. The prize is the new world and as you learn how to play this game, your efforts will become part of your everyday routine and you will not even find them as difficult to perform in time. There will come a day when you will awaken to find that this life is a game for your spiritual growth on your journey back to Something Greater.

Friday, January 19, 2018

The Walls of Darkness Are Breaking

As the information pours into the mind, the body will have to cipher through what can be held and what needs to be placed within the energy sources outside of the body. As you become consciously aware of this process, it will take effort to understand these experiences. You will have to live this process. It is not something that you can say you understand until you live it. All you obtain will have to go into different storage units within the body, so the information can be experienced.

If it is too much for the body, the information will be properly placed within the units outside of the body until the body is ready to hold the information for the needed experiences. When you become aware of the patterns that you are experiencing, you are ready for more information. These storage unit are called the chakras.

They connect you to the universe and ultimately to the Source of All Creation. Your level of understanding in this process will determine how much you accept into the body at any given time. Events will unfold as you need the information and you will be placed into higher positions of authority pending how much humility you maintain.

Staying with the understanding that you are allowing this process to work through you is vital for the spiritual growth. When you find yourself with thoughts that you are the reason for this information, it will be important to become humbled with the knowledge that the body is the vessel and the spirit can choose your body or not.

Your willingness and your open mind will make your body appealing for this process. All will become aware of this ability but not all will choose to allow the spirit to enter this level of understanding. The masses choose to believe that the spirit lies outside of the body and that their God is separate from them. Only a few yearn to grasp the awareness that the spirit is YOU and the universe is using the body for further creation.

With each experience you encounter through the day, you walk with this level of energy that spreads through all people, places and things you encounter. The light may pierce those that lie in the darkness and they may react through anger or fear when they try to even look at you. They may not even be capable of seeing you at all. With discernment, you will have the knowing of why this is occurring. You will respond through compassion. As you break out of the patterns you connect with consciously in your every day life, time will become irrelevant. You will begin to see this dimension from a higher level of understanding. Those you love will be as ONE with you and those that surround the outside view will be seen with the need to shine this newfound light of knowledge into the darkness of this land.

You will see the truth of what is occurring on a global scale and the masses will be viewed from this level of understanding. The darkness will be hiding but you will see in the corners and as you gain understanding of this process, you will then anxiously wait for what is coming. You will hold the knowing that the walls within this unknown darkness are breaking. You will see the vision of what is coming like the dam that bursts at the foundation for all the darkness to pour out into the light for change. The time is irrelevant, but the events are certain. The earth is shining the light into the dark corners and breaking the walls for the sunlight of the spirit to make the changes needed for the new world.

Do you want to know the events to come? Do you want to see the visions of the chaos that must occur, so the spirit can go through the debris like the aftermath of a hurricane to shine the light of knowledge for everyone’s spiritual growth whether they are ready or not? Time is irrelevant in this process as the spirit does not know your time. The walls of darkness are breaking, and the time is NOW.