Monday, January 27, 2014

The Days of Light

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

As we walk along our path through life there will be days of darkness, days of dimness and days of lightness.  Each day will be different and as we seek for Something Greater, our reactions to each day will determine how much of Something Greater we bring into our life.  The days that are filled with darkness will be the times we must reach inside with the hope and faith that Something Greater is there.  These two principles will intertwine in our mind to bring the light that will shine into the darkness all around us. The gift of knowledge will be bestowed upon us through the dark days and we will take the knowledge and use it as a beacon in the night.  With our faith that turns into the knowing that Something Greater walks with us, our darkest days will turn into an opportunity to prove our faithfulness to this Greatness.  These will be the days that the universe will rejoice around us as the trials turn into justice through our truth that will come through the knowledge that Something Greater bestows upon us because of the promises given in the laws of the universe.  The darkness will then be seen as the opportunity to prove our self to Something Greater and the times we are full of anguish in the middle of the night will turn into the light of day through our truth that turns into justice.

The days that are dim will be the days we have the opportunity to take what light we hold and share it so we can gather more.   These will be the days that Something Greater will bring the gift of receiving from others.  We will learn in the dimness that if we ask for help, our own light shines brighter. Each time we ask,  the laws of the universe respond. Something Greater waits patiently for the days that we seek for guidance to take our little blinking light and turn it into the brightest light for all to see. The dimness will become the realization that we need others on this journey through life.

The days we are full of light are the days we share with others. These are the days we give back to help those who are full of darkness or who are blinking in the dimness just as others do for us on such days.  We will realize that the more we give, the more we will receive and we will become lighter for all to see on their own path to Something Greater. With each day we travel on our journey through life, we have  choices as to if we will walk in the darkness alone or if we will take the path that will give us the light from Something Greater.  For those of us who say there is no such light,  we will see the light in others that will reflect upon us. We will look into this crossroad within our mind and decide if we want to seek the light as well or if we want to continue on our path of darkness that leads us into the land of loneliness inside.  With each time we seek the light within our mind, we will hear the little voice inside that calls through the darkness for change.  With each one of us who seeks, we will turn the dark days into the light of the sun with the help from Something Greater.  We will take each day of light and share for all to enjoy.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Gifts

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

The more we allow Something Greater into our life, the more knowledge we will obtain.  As we combine this knowledge with our current world, we will see the changes from the inside out.  We will notice the changes as we gain the courage to speak our truth.  As this action vibrates into the world around us, it will be like the sound that vibrates into the water.  We will begin to notice the strength that we gain as the laws of the universe respond.  We are promised that with the voice of truth, it will return to us in the form of a gift.  Sometimes we will recognize the gift instantly and sometimes we will notice that is was there all the time.  The gift may come as a thought, as a feeling, through another person, through an experience or even through a bird flying over head in the sky.  The gifts will begin to come in the feel of the wind upon our face and through the rain that drops upon our skin.  The rainbow in the sky will be for all to see, but we will know that it is for us as a reminder that we are seen by all the universe and the colors will radiate into our heart as the gift of glory that comes from Something Greater.  As the gifts become more noticeable, we will begin to recognize the strength that will rise up inside in the form of gratitude.  We will realize that the gifts that have been bestowed upon us were always calling out to be noticed.  The world around us becomes a wonderland as we see the butterfly appear just as we think about it.  Is it a coincidence we will ask or did it appear because we thought about it first?  Did the bird perch upon the fence to sing to us when we were seeking for Something Greater or was it there all the time?  The more we seek, the more we find and the gifts will turn into messages to guide us on our path to Something Greater.  The dragonfly will become symbolic of the transformation that is occurring inside of us.  The sun will now shine as  a calling through the rays that are seen even in the falling snow.  Some of us will question if these gifts that have turned into messages are really for us.  Some of us will not recognize them at all.  For those of us who choose to travel the path with Something Greater, we will hear the voice inside verify that what we see around us is a result of what we think it is and we will have the choice to acknowledge that it is from Something Greater and that these gifts and messages are there for the awakening on our path to Something Greater.


** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

There will be times in our life that we will have regrets for what we have done or said to someone else.  For those of us who do not experience this emotion, we are in denial of how our actions and words can effect others.  Without the emotion of  regret, we will not have change.  If we do not recognize the times we hurt others and think they deserve what pain they are experiencing as a result of something we said or did, we are stuck.  Our path to Something Greater will be full of weeds and we will be able to still walk along on our journey but we will clutter the path and the light will dim along our way.  If we do have the weeds from things we have done in our past, we must clear them so we can continue shining the light to Something Greater for guidance on our journey through life.  If left unattended, these weeds will grow up into the corners of our mind until we either call out for change or smother in our path.  We will have to take each one from the root and pluck it out.  The longer regrets sit in the weeds of our mind, the harder it is to vocalize our thoughts.  The more weeds we have, the darker we get.  There are some of us that have cluttered our mind with so many regrets that we cannot move at all.  Others get distorted thoughts as we go off the path toward Something Greater because we get lost in the weeds of regrets.  If we pluck the weeds out as soon as we recognize that they are there, we will not experience any delays along our way.  We will stop for the moment it takes to get rid of the weeds as we pull them up from the roots.  Some regrets will take longer than others to remove and it is important that every root is gone so we can continue on our path.  Speaking our truth into these past experiences will slowly take the weeds and turn them into flowers.  There will come a day when we will not have any roots to pull up from the weeds of regrets and the flowers will radiate the beauty that reflects all the hard work we have done by removing the weeds.  Regrets are opportunities to replace the weeds with the beauty that we receive from Something Greater.  As we seek more light through the corners of our mind, we will take our path to Something Greater and turn it into a magnificent view when we look around us.  Through the voice of truth, we will take the dark thoughts of our mind and turn them into the light for all to share.  The truth of our regrets will turn them from the stormy clouds in the sky into the beautiful morning sun that shine upon the snow.  The more we pull the regrets out of our life, the more we will take the path to Something Greater and turn it into the land of milk and honey.  With the regrets removed, we can then look at who we are today from a new perspective without the darkness of regrets in the shadows.  With the hope from Something Greater and the faith that Greatness is there, we can then surrender to this knowledge and we will realize that the regrets gave us the courage for change.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

We are not replaceable.  Even when other people tell us that they do not want to be a part of our life, the experiences that made us who we are with that person will always hold a part inside of who we are and who we are becoming as a result of being with them.  They will experience the same thing.  The crossroads of relationships become confusing when we feel rejection.  The emotion will bring us to the lowest feeling of sadness mixed with anger as we try to defend our self.  These two emotions can be confusing as one takes the path of love and the other fear.  Sadness comes when we are ultimately changing something within our self for what we had that is now different.  Fear comes when we are not sure of what is to come.  When walking our path with these emotions, we must look at where we are at this moment.  There will be several types of thoughts that will come with the mixture of love and fear.  We are here to deal with our emotions and with each path that brings us back to love, we are one step closer to Something Greater.  If we choose the path of anger, which is fear, the results will be explosive.  If we take some time before we react with this anger, we will have an opportunity to look towards the little voice inside that guides us on this journey.  The knowledge will be given to those who will listen.  Some of us hold on to the fear of loneliness that will even make us think we are better off just hurting our self or someone else.  Some of us kill as a result.  When we follow the path of fear, our thoughts are full of darkness.  This darkness will cover us and we will not be able to gain the knowledge that we are not alone.  Our thoughts and emotions are where Something Greater lies and when we shut the window to our thoughts and only allow negative thinking, we begin to feel as though there are no choices.  With the feeling of hopelessness, we will seep down into the quick sand of anguish.  We will experience this feeling until we decide that we cannot live this way any longer. Desperation arises like the stormy clouds that cover the sun.   In our pocket of time, we have such intense emotions that our planet has become unbalanced.  The feeling that we are replaceable is the illusion our world has created that comes from the feeling of rejection.  With those of us who seek for love, this emotion of rejection should be viewed as another step to Greatness.

 As we recognize the emotion of rejection, we must take a closer look at what is happening in our life.  The feeling of needing control over another's thoughts and actions  brings the anger.  When we accept that they have their own journey and need to do what is good for them, we can take that acceptance and turn it into the knowledge that we are right where we are suppose to be on our journey through this thing called life.  We can release the fear and look inside for the knowledge of what Something Greater has for us.  We are unique and bring forth our own spark for creation.  We have freewill and can take that spark and make it anything we want.  We are still a part of Something Greater and must remember that even though we are all connected, we start as the little pedal on the flower of life.  We can then take the rejection and turn it into strength for our foundation inside.  With each time we feel rejected, we will become stronger with the knowledge that this emotion does not define who we are inside.  We will realize that we are not replaceable and the rejection is just another symbol of the change that is happening inside of us.  We will then take the sadness of this knowledge and turn it into the fire of joy with the choices we hold for this change  Each and everyone of us are the vessel to Greatness.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Little By Little

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

The days we feel as though we have nothing to live for and we do not matter to anyone around us are the days we must go inside our self and seek for Something Greater.  With all the desperation we hold inside as we seek for that spark of our true intensions, we will find the little voice that speaks into our thoughts little by little.  With each time we hear this voice, a piece of us will find Something Greater.  Little by little we will see this power inside us manifest into the world around us.  It will turn into spring time in our mind as we see the flowers bloom all around us.  The once gloomy day of storms will now reflect the growth that has occurred from such nourishment.  The rains will turn into sunshine and our thoughts and emotions will shine out for all to see.  Little by little the darkness that has followed us will turn into the eclipse of our heart.  When this occurs, our darkness will turn into the pathway for the light.  On the outer edges of this path will lie our fears of the unknown.  The things that could happen or the things that brought us to this awareness will reflect inside.  In this crossroads of our mind, we will reach for the light of hope that Something Greater represents as we long to choose this path.  Little by little the voice inside for guidance will get louder and we will begin to recognize the sound of change within us.  This sound  will vibrate into the world around us by our words and our actions.  We will turn into the butterfly that is bursting from the cocoon.  Little by little our path will get lighter and lighter and we will see less and less of the darkness that calls to us from the edges of our mind.  For those of us that are stuck in this darkness, it will take effort to seek the light.  Some of us say that there is no light, but the longing for Something Greater inside will be calling as that little voice called hope.  As we seek for the answers to this calling in other people, places and things, we will continue to walk in this darkness until the day we find that the path to Greatness is inside of us and not in the world.  Little by little we will seek for more and will be given a gift through the knowledge that Something Greater bestows upon us.  This knowledge will be given to those who continue to seek and little by little the change will occur.  As the morning sun rises and the darkness slowly disappears, the fear that we are alone will vanish as we get verification that Something Greater is within our thoughts and emotions each time the fear turns into hope that there is Something Greater in our life.  We will bask in the glory of this knowledge.  Little by little the rising sun will turn into the light that warms our thoughts from Something Greater.  Through the seasons of our life, our mind will experience the same.  With the knowledge that Something Greater is there, we will be guided on this journey through life and little by little we will take the steps to Greatness.