Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Big Wave

Those who call the new beginning “The Event” anticipate an instant change within the planet and all that live inside. This “Event” has been defined in many ways as all anticipate what can be called the end of times. Some even place a date on this “Event” and wait with excitement for this world-wide change. Some have codes for this “Event”, some see visions of this “Event, some hold a knowing of this “Event”. All agree that something is coming that will change the very fabric of Mother Earth.

It is a time of great unrest as these thoughts weave into the core of All thoughts during this transition. For those connected to the unseen world, a confusion is occurring as everyone tries to interpret the messages that are being received. This transformation brings the mixture of All into this crystal ball called Earth and the higher dimensions look with awe at the sights and wonders that are being created as a result. It is a glorious time when looked at from above, with much to offer for All.

The concern lies with those who are uncertain and are in the twilight state of mind. Those who anticipate the “Event” are awake and will be activated when needed. After all, how can you really know what is going to happen and patiently wait in these clothes you call bodies? The uncertain look towards those who know something is going to happen as the examples with much confusion.

The groups are forming as planned for this “Event” and the time will be when there are only two groups. The unity is mixing as planned and All will choose their sides through freewill. The uncertain ones will choose even if no choice is what they choose. This “Event” is now and is mixing within the essence of what you are made from. It weaves in and out of you and sits inside the soul that flows through the mind and body.

The Source of All brings this energy on to the planet in waves and as it builds into the Big Wave for All, the small waves are uniting the awakened who are the examples for those in the twilight. It is a time of much confusion in the mix and all must go within to ensure that they have the proper ingredients for the time of the Big Wave. It is building inside of you for the grand finale and All will feel this shift. Those who choose to live in the darkness will experience the gnashing of teeth, the turmoil within their thoughts and hearts and the inability to hold the Big Wave inside of them. A cleansing is needed and those who hold the light will have to shine it into those who sit in the darkness if they choose to allow the light for change into their lives.

Some ask what are these waves? It is the Source of All Knowing that brings these waves of knowledge for those who live in the third dimension. It is time for the harvest as the seasons change. The third dimension is growing to make room for the new, as it will always be. It is in perfect order and as the waves hit you, the knowledge of all lives lived, the knowledge of all creation, the knowledge of all your “Whys? and all your suffering will be answered in several little waves that lead to one Big Wave of knowledge like the bolt of lightning that streaks across the night-time sky. The “Event” is happening every time you wake up to this dream-state that keeps you chained in the illusions of what your life is to you.

Keep strong and hold your courage high for All so you can be the beacon for the uncertain to see. Be still and know you are HERE and you are not alone as the benevolent ones cheer you on and shout with joy as All anticipate the next wave that prepares everyone for the Big Wave.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Flow of Morals

Your morals bring forth the foundation of what essence you are filled with at any given time. It is like the rising of a cake that is baking. How much of each of these components you hold at any given time results in what the foundation for your morals will become. As your words fill the air, the intentions of your essence will touch your world that makes your reality.

The virtues are all you take from within yourself and bring forth into your outside world. This stage of awareness is vital to the thoughts that follow. This part of development will require the redirection of any negative thoughts you hold.
You are mixing all the components to connect to the God of your understanding and you have only so much energy to mix until you can consciously connect to the Source of All Creation. You connect for the ever-flowing knowledge to create further into this dimension. As you mix all the components into the proper flow, your outside world is impacted like a ripple effect. There is only the end of creation when the effects cease. Because you impact all the universe with your thoughts, this awareness will encompass all. When this mixture is complete, you are then adding more with each new creation throughout eternity.

As you touch the outer edges of what mixture someone else may hold, everything connects for a new mixture. This process will one day connect you to all worlds as you bring them into your current conscious state of existence.  Other worlds are there waiting to connect with you as you become aware of them. There are many levels of consciousness and you will wake up to who you are and what you are capable of with the connection to the God of your understanding. You will change the entire existence of your reality like the ripple effect when you throw a rock into the middle of a lake. The sounds, the view, the smells, the feelings and the thoughts will transform right before your eyes.

This level of awareness is magical. You will see things and people appear out of nowhere. You will want to share these experiences with others. You will find that they do not understand the significance of these experiences as it is for your understanding only. You will be given explanations by others that will call these experiences coincidences. You must hold strong to the belief that you are experiencing thoughts that are coming into your life through things and people that appear when you think of them. There will be times that unusual events will occur, and these events will turn out to have answers for what you are seeking.

As you hold onto the belief that you are finding answers through the world around you, it will not matter what others say regarding what you are feeling. You will suddenly become aware that you are different because of the belief that you are communicating with the God of your understanding through the world around you. You will question the relevance of everything that appears on your path throughout your day.
People will look different to you as you seek the connection they have (or the lack there of) to the God of their understanding. You will begin to feel a connection with others through their eyes. You will begin to see through their physical appearance and you will see the light in their eyes that shines from within. If you cannot see into their eyes you can feel the warmth in their hands or in their words. They will be projecting the image of who they are out to you in the same way you will be projecting your life force out to them. As the two forces connect, the mixture will be determined by who is putting out the most energy. If someone is projecting negative energy that causes you to go off balance with your inner connection (which needs to remain flowing as much as possible to keep your connection with the spirit) you must remove yourself from the situation, so you can regain the proper flow within yourself. During the early stages of this process, it will take much effort on your behalf to stay conscious of what you are experiencing inside at any given time.

This is a very volatile time as you try to set boundaries to ensure you keep the proper flow within yourself, so you can maintain a connection with the God of your understanding. It will be difficult in the early stages of this process to not experience negative emotions and thoughts, especially if those around you are projecting negativity towards you. You must remind yourself that you are mixing all worlds into your awareness and the negativity will surround you in attempts to remain alive.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Cleansing

As the energies rise to higher frequencies, the sounds will become more sensitive to those who are evolving into the higher levels. High pitch ringing will become evident on a regular basis. The calling is here. The sounds permeate the vibrations that are holding this planet into form.

Once you become aware of these sounds, you will feel a shift inside your very core. A knowing will resonate through your entire body. These sounds are changing the entire fabric that Mother Earth is made from. Those who hear will go through periods of confusion as their subconscious and conscious states of existence merge into ONE.

The knowledge of all lifetimes will burst into the moment and the shift will be difficult for some to understand. All the shame, the resentments, the hatred and ultimately the fears will bubble to the surface for cleansing. The negative energy will need to be cleansed so the moment can shine for your new beginning.

The understanding that the darkness was needed to create with the light of ALL knowledge will bring forth the empowerment of who you are becoming because of this darkness. How can you see the stars without the darkness in the sky? How can you know the love without experiencing what it is not?

The time is now for all those experiencing the human form to pause and allow all the energies to mix into the most glorious of creations. You are bringing the spirit out into human form. You have planned many lifetimes for this moment. As you accept all the darkness with the knowledge that it was needed to bring you to this understanding, the empowerment will emerge because of all you experienced.

The victim roles, the wounded roles, the abandoned roles, the saboteur roles, the addict roles, the judgement roles, the rebel roles and the slave roles will then be viewed from a higher level for the compassion that this planet needs. The cleansing is here, and the time is now.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Sound is the Beginning of Creation

In one of my visions I saw these light beings using high pitch sound to vibrate thoughts into forms for creation. This was one of the first things that was stressed to me in the early stages of my awakening. Everything starts with sound.

Monday, April 30, 2018


It does matter what events brought you to the current mixture you hold as these events make you who you are. It starts within your current level of consciousness. Those of you that take the experiences that lead you to the anguish and replay them over and over are still mixing all the components in search of enlightenment. You are looking for something that can only be found in who you are at this moment. All your past fills you with the day. The mixture you currently hold is because of your past. This mixture will sit at the bottom of your life force and if new thoughts are not mixed into the foundation for opportunities to learn from the regrets, they will build into the darkness that will cover your life.

With each life you live, you hold all the mixture from all lifetimes in attempts to find enlightenment in this life. Some of you call it karma when your past comes back to you through more anguish unless you release the bond to those events. As your veil is lifted, you will see how the foundation you hold inside comes from all your lifetimes. All the anger and rage come from your planets history all balled up inside of you. How could this be you ask? All the essence of who you are goes back to the beginning and if you take each piece of what makes you who you are, it will lead all the way back to the Garden of Eden. You have taken the events that occurred in the beginning to complete the cycle of despair. The vastness of your desperation has filled the universe and the planets are aligning for the spirit of change. As you reach the desperation, all time will cease, and you will question your existence. The lightning bolt for change will occur. The energy source you choose will be a conscious choice that you have never known before. All will experience this level as the waves of energy mix inside of you to bring you more of what you consciously seek. If you do not allow any new thoughts inside for the spirit you call Holy to enter, the spirit of anguish will consume you with thoughts to even harm yourself or others.

Your children are overwhelmed with these feelings as the force that sits in your gravity feeds off the innocent. The message of violence brings forth the thoughts that cause destruction on your planet. You keep this source alive in your media and in your homes. Your children see much anguish when they look at your world. Those who keep their children protected and do not prepare them for the boundaries that need to be in place will see the inability to cope as their veil is lifted.

All events are relevant, and all will have to make the choice as the sources that bring you love and fear fight for the very essence of who you are. You will become consciously aware as your thoughts of who you thought you were fade away. It can happen through either energy source that will come to you like a bolt of lightning or it can become a slow process.

For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.” Luke 17:24-25

The key is to know that you are already a part of this Greatness and when thoughts enter that make you question if there is Something Greater, that is the day you will have found the hope that comes from the thought that you are a part of Something Greater. Just as you need your heart to live, you are vital to the universe. Though you may be small, you are vital to creation.
The understanding of growth into the spirit cannot be articulated just as the flower grows into full bloom. “The Kingdom of God is in your midst.” Luke 17:21

It is not seen but felt. It is with a touch that comes from inside yourself. Grace reaches in and lights your flame of life for creation in this dimension. Those that do not understand are mixing their essence subconsciously for the day when they will mix with creation or self-destruction. The universe aligns for this time and the Creator awakens inside of you for enlightenment forever more. The flow of change has been building inside of you for the God of your understanding to live forever more inside of you since the beginning. You are here to bring this force out into this dimension for further creation.