Monday, March 3, 2014

The Day of Our Revelation

As we set boundaries with the type of energy we hold within our self to get the most positive mixture on our journey to finding a God of our understanding, we will begin to see the changes right before our eyes.  We will have periods where we will fall back into a blend within our mind that will bring us negative results.  As we learn the difference, we will have to remind our self of what the past effects were as a result of the negative thoughts.  Each time we catch our self thinking negatively, we will have to consciously remind our self that we are in the mind of Something Greater and that we are right where we are suppose to be at all times.  The more we become aware of the world around us will be a glorious time on our search for Something Greater.  We will begin to tap into a different view of what is happening in our life. As we focus on the positive verses the negative thoughts, we will bring those qualities out into our mind.  It will be like changing the colors of the curtains on a window.  We will realize that we do not have to suffer with our thoughts any longer.  We will then have a choice to push through the fear of the unknown and bring it forth to take each moment and savior the piece of love that we will find inside.  Even when parts are presented in a negative way that projects back to us, we will begin to understand that this is really an experience for our self.  The parts of our world that directly affects us, ultimately, is all about us. Even though we are all affecting our planet as a whole, the parts that we can directly impact are what we have control over and need to focus on.  For those of us that are in a position to make global changes, we have been given an opportunity to influence many lives at one time with our knowledge for a greater purpose and when we do not use this knowledge appropriately, the negative energy trickles down into the thoughts of the masses.  As we begin to realize that our actions impact the very thoughts of another and what that means to us, the choices within our mind occurs and the separation begins. There is coming a time when this separation will become more noticeable in the masses.  We now represent our self as either a “good” country or a “bad” country.  This separation will become the “good” or the “bad” with only that boundary within the masses.  When this occurs, the promises that Something Greater echoes throughout history will occur. The beginning of the end is occurring.  As the separation transpires in each of our minds, we ultimately turn into that energy on a physical level. We are physically reflecting this separation and do not realize it.  With each time we choose the “good” or the “bad” thoughts, we turn into that energy source with the knowledge being withheld from the masses until the day of revelation for us all.  If we look at the universal laws that must be carried out in correlation with our conscious awareness and ultimately our freewill, we will begin to understand the difference between the “good” thoughts and the “bad” thoughts and the impact that these thoughts have on our self and ultimately on our world.  As we become more aware of our thoughts and as many are starting to “wake up”, more of us will be bringing this unseen world into our being.  We are at a crossroads with the very essence of what we are made of.  Many of us are becoming aware that our thoughts hold power.  As we tap into this power, it is a turning point in the world as we realize that we have choices.  When that awareness occurs on a global scale, there will become a struggle with the negative thoughts verses the positive thoughts as everything goes off balance with this new found freedom within our mind.  Do we choose to help others or do we keep this power just for our self?  Do we turn our heartache into love or do we hold the anger of why me?  Reaching out to others brings forth a chain reaction with others in their own lives.  If we hold this power and do not share our knowledge, it turns into something it was not intended to be.  As the mixture sits in our mind, it allows distorted views as to what affect we have on others.  The more we separate from the feeling of love for another, the darker our reality becomes.

 It is taking a great effort for some of us to maintain a positive flow of love as we experience the unbalance on our planet.  As our planet responds through the air and through our weather, we will have to create a balance within our mind.  Groups are beginning to struggle with what is right and what is wrong in how we are being treated. There will come a day when there will only be two groups after everyone has the knowledge that our thoughts create our reality and that we are connected to Something Greater.  We are making the conscious choice to either connect to this Greatness that is all about love or we are going into the emotions of hate, jealousy and anger to connect to the forces that bring us destruction.  We are experiencing it on a global level and it is waking up the masses that seek for love.  The power of love will bring forth a vengeance for the protection of all that hold it within their being.  It is a turning point within the pocket of our time as we know it.  The revelation has begun. There will be a war like no other.  This started out as battle within our self and it will turn into our reality.  The promises that have been documented throughout history are preparing us for the upcoming events.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

We Are In The Mind Of Something Greater

As we learn how to consciously connect with levels of knowledge on our search for a God of our understanding, we will find that many levels can emerge into our thoughts.  It is important to become aware of what our intensions are as we seek for understanding of what this means to us.  As we begin to feel the life force that burns inside of us, there will come a day when we will seek for that connection as often as possible.  The more we seek for it, the more knowledge we will obtain.  There will come a day when we will understand that as we seek for the God of our understanding, we will discover that we are inside this magnificence.  When we view our world from this perspective, we begin to see the connection that expands into the air.  We are inside Something Greater.  We are constantly growing into a conscious awareness of this knowledge.  As we become aware of this information, it brings us to a whole new level.  We will see that this knowledge changes how we view the world around us.  When we realize that the conscious level we are connecting to is aware of our thoughts and can influence what we think, this brings many possibilities. Some of us become insane when we hear the voices and separate from the reality of what they really mean to us.  Mental illness emerges as we try to distinguish between what we interpret as real within our level of knowledge. As we become aware of this unseen world, we will begin to make choices as to what we want inside of our mind.  We are like a drop of water in the ocean as we connect with our conscious level of existence. We will then ask our self what do we want to fill our thoughts with as we discover that we can tap into levels within levels of knowledge.  We will have to continuously remind our self that these levels of higher consciousness know what we are thinking.  Such a level of awareness will bring us choices as we decide if we want to acknowledge that there is such an existence.  Do we really want to entertain this idea and what does that mean? We will open our self up to a level that is full of turmoil if we do not understand what we are looking for.  Dark entities emerge into our thoughts through several doorways that we allow as we open our self up through desires of material things or through the desires to make others think or do things that we think they should do or think.  These are just a couple of ways these entities can enter our thoughts, there are many.  There will be times we will feel as though we have no control over what we are thinking as the thoughts just appear.  As we gain the understanding that we are like a strand in a web and it is up to us to maintain this pathway into the center, we will begin to take control of our thoughts.  To know that we are in the mind of Something Greater gives us the motivation to grow into this knowledge as we seek for the center of this connection.  As we become aware of this knowledge, we will begin to question where we fit into this magnificence and which strand we want to maintain on our pathway to the center.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Connection

With each event that occurs in our life there becomes groups of thoughts that tie into a specific emotion to interpret the experiences.  We have the ability to block specific groups of thoughts depending upon how much energy we put into that group of thoughts.  Subconsciously, some of us have become stuck in a certain level of thinking as a result.  When we become aware that we are stuck and surrender to just what that means, we open a doorway that brings forth one of two types of emotions.  We will either experience a degree of love or a degree of fear.  As we go through this process, some of us believe that because we can connect to a God with no sense of time, we have to grow into a conscious awareness of experiences as a result of our emotions. These emotions create our thoughts which ultimately becomes our reality.  With each group of thoughts that have the most energy in our mind that is the energy that projects outward to our world and ultimately to the universe.  If we view our existence from the inside out, we will see how we ultimately start with the emotions that intertwine with the thoughts.  As we grow within our mind, we connect with the world around us.  It is like the fire that spreads though the forest.  Technically speaking, we can take our thoughts and merge them with a level of consciousness that already exists. The day of this awareness brings us to a level of knowledge where the possibilities are endless as we connect with the Source of All Creation. We have to be consciously aware that we can connect with the God of our understanding.  When we realize that our thoughts and emotions can connect with this power is when the magic appears.  As we progress, it will feel as though our world is surreal because we will then identify with what we think and feel inside.  The fear of the unknown prevents some of us from exploring any further into this unseen world.  Some of us then spiral down into the fear based thoughts and that is where the complications arise.  For those of us who take these fear based thoughts and remind our self that the God of our understanding is trying to create through us, we then give this fear to the Source of All Creation.  Just the fact that you are reading this message means you are seeking for this knowledge.  The more we seek, the more the laws of the universe respond to us.  This level of awareness can be overwhelming as we find the meaning in everything around us.  It will take great effort to piece together this change of our thoughts and emotions as a result.  Some of us go back and forth in our mind as we attempt to release the demons that may have carried over from many life times.  At this stage, we will realize that it is almost like a “curse” as we try to release our self from such negative energy.  As the world around us gives us messages of where we are within our level of awareness, we must remind our self that we are right where we are suppose to be at every moment through this process.  If we find parts of our day that reflect issues or problems like a car accident or physical ailments, we must take note that there is a part within our self that needs attention.  We will begin to understand that the physical world is just a product of what our thoughts and emotions have produced.  As we work with this level of understanding and become more confident in our abilities to distinguish the difference between what is in our physical world in comparison to what is in our thoughts and emotions, we reach a crossroads within our mind.  We will begin to have many questions about what we see, what we hear, what we smell and what we feel in the world around us.  We will become like a baby who sees and touches the water in the ocean for the first time.  We will become aware of a level of existence that changes our conscious awareness forever more.  Some of us view this process like the seed that grows into a tree.  The Source of All Creation will be like the water to nourish us as we grow. Time will be irrelevant as this Source of All Creation allows us to develop into a conscious level of existence.  Some of us will not choose to connect with this source and will deny the existence.  There will come a day when we will all recognize our creator as we cannot stop our awareness from growing.  It is a universal law that energy cannot be destroyed as it just changes form and we will do the same.  As we choose the level of consciousness we want to connect with, the separation begins.  It is like the water that comes from the lakes and branches out into the streams.  We will choose to connect to this Sources of All Creation or we will choose to gradually connect with the level of existence that separates us until we turn into the stream that leads to nowhere.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Right Before Your Eyes

The magnificence behind the making of our day is beyond our comprehension.  If you think you have it all figured out, look into your thoughts and search for that part that brings you answers.  We know nothing.  The pain of this realization is two-fold.  We are but a speck in this universe yet the impact of the knowledge that the sun rises for us to admire brings forth the realization that each part of our world down to our thoughts is planned out in a dimension that we know nothing about. When we began to realize that with each time we notice the bird singing to us or the leaves blowing in the wind, we see pieces of this creation hard at work to get our attention. We open up the flood gates within our mind that something is at work in all we do.  Forces that go back and forth within our mind bring us to a place that when we become conscious of these thoughts, even then we have choices that will ultimately bring us to the day when we will all recognize this power behind what we are made of inside and outside.  Our uniqueness brings forth worlds within worlds that we only hold.  What we do with these worlds is up to us.  Look to the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon with the knowledge that it is a gift for us to see this power at work as we seek to bring it forth inside of our self.  Why would you want to do anything but follow such magnificence?  The alternatives are to emerge into the darkness that waits to destroy this power of love.  Something Greater will reach out to pick us up off the floor to heal our wounds.  When that day arrives, we will find that this power has surrounded us our whole life and we were just not aware of it right before our eyes.  We have strived to become conscious of this power for many life times in our attempts to come to this level of knowledge.  We are at a time period that brings forth the power of All Creation like never before.  Know the view you have of the world around you gives you the opportunity to bring forth higher levels of consciousness as you gain more courage, more knowledge and more wisdom.  Know that no one can crawl into your mind without your permission unless you do not have the understanding of what is happening right before your eyes.  Know that when you see the darkness in the clouds that it is calling to a part of yourself that holds that feeling of loneliness.  Know that when you see the colors that burst from the pedal of a flower, it is the awareness of the beauty that lies inside of you. Know that the wind blows to remind you of this power that speaks to you in the trees.  Know that there is a love waiting right inside of you to open you to the reality of who you are.  Know that only you hold a purpose with this creation and no one else.  Release the fear and move past the outer edges of creation.  Move to the center within yourself to gain the power that shines the light into this darkness.  Know that this power is capable of making the storms turn into the sunshine that will reflect the beauty right before your eyes.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

To Create

As our awareness expands, we will seek for understanding of what lies behind the sun and the moon.  Where does our existence come from?  With no time and no space that holds the Source of All Creation what does that mean to us?  Where do we fit in with something that holds the power behind the creation of the water and the wind?  If we are made in the image of our creator, why are we here if creation is not even in our time?  If we are from the Source of All Creation then what does that mean about us?  We are here to further creation and with each time we allow fear to prevent us from creating, we lose a piece of our connection with Something Greater.  Some of us take this thought one step further and look at it as if each time we give up the piece that connects us to Something Greater a piece of us dies as we separate inside of our mind.  The longer we keep negative thoughts in our mind, the larger this separation becomes.  The negative parts within our thoughts are like the parts of us that have died and need cleaned out to make room for something new.  The parts we want to keep that are from our past will then blend with the new.  We will then make choices as to what we want to create on a conscious level as we take control of what we want in our mind.  As we make the decision to release any thoughts that are negative, we gain knowledge from Something Greater.  We have a purpose with our connection to Something Greater and if we do not use it, we will become the dying as we lose the nourishment that keeps us alive from the inside out. Many of us have stopped creating.  Many of us do not even know that we have allowed the demonic forces to enter our thoughts as we go about our day.  Some of us are asleep as we walk through our life with only thoughts of what we are suppose to do next.  We have been given freewill to allow the creation of anything we so chose to come through as the vessel for the spirit world.  Even when we do not think we are part of anything, that is the choice as we sit inside of our mind.  We have the opportunity to create our heaven while in these bodies. As we seek for this reality, it begins by looking into our world from a different perspective.  We are made in the image of our creator who also made our universe.  The times we forget the significance of this knowledge are the times to look towards the sky and remind our self that the power behind all creation brought us to this moment.  There is a separation that is happening inside of our thoughts and the illusion that we are alone results in the disconnection from Something Greater that will ultimately lead us into a hell that has been written about all through history.  So, as we separate the thoughts in our mind, what do you choose?  To create for your heaven on earth or to slowly cause your life force to disintegrate right before your eyes?