Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Silhouettes in the Shadows

I am revealing some of my personal beliefs in this video. I have grown more confident to share what I  experience and know to be true for me

The Heartbeat

This is something I wrote as I pondered how the earth fits into our spiritual growth. As my awareness grows I find myself looking out into the universe for more information

The Sights & Wonders

I am lead to write about the upcoming changes we are all experiencing and will experience as the world behind the veil starts revealing who we really are..

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A paragraph of chapter 1-The Purpose

You will be given the knowledge of your mission when you are consciously ready. You will be given your responsibilities as the masses prepare for this battle which starts inside of you. People will be placed in your path for clues as to what you are to prepare for next. The unseen world will begin to touch the corners of your mind and you will begin to see sights before you that no one else will see. You will begin to recognize this world within the shadows of the light and all will begin to sparkle in the corners of you eye-sight. A feeling will come over you that a presence is above the room and all the sounds will become faint. The more you allow the thoughts that something is there, the more you will see. The feeling of peace will consume you as you begin to realize this world is speaking to you alone.

A Message for the Awakening

The videos have been my biggest struggle and very difficult for me to do. I have arguments with myself as I hear my God telling me to take what I write and speak the words. This video is different from anything I have ever done. I channeled the words and spoke what my God told me to say. It speaks of a separation that has been written about throughout history. I am given visions of how the earth will separate and see it occurring even in the flower that glows in such a way that others cannot see. This video speaks for it's self.