Sunday, March 4, 2018

Connections With Spirits

The spirit is the power that comes into the mind and body to provide knowledge. This power consists of unseen forces that surround you at all times. This power can be positive or negative and can only enter your space if you hold the same vibrational level as the power trying to enter your space. You vibrate, for example, like a car that is on while in park. Your thoughts, in connection with your emotions, determine what level you vibrate at any given time. Your vibrational field is determined by your emotions; are you happy or sad? This field holds a frequency that is determined by how fast or slow you vibrate. Your level of frequency is determined by how conscious you are at any given time and by what you can hold within your body. The frequency can be compared to a light bulb that is turned off and on and then off again.  

How aware you are of the spirit will be determined by how you are feeling.  For example, if you are sad your frequency will vibrate in a lower level of frequency than if you are feeling love. Emotions and thoughts intertwine to bring forth a specific vibration and this vibration resonates a specific frequency. The type of spirit that will enter your space will be determined by the thought and emotion that matches the spirit’s frequency to vibrate at a specific level. The spirit is called by many names. Your belief in this power, or lack thereof, will determine how much of the spirit you can obtain. Once you hold a connection with a specific level of the spirit, it can take many paths through your mind and body to reach the soul. The purpose of the spirit to reach the soul is twofold. If it comes from a benevolent source, it will provide power to the soul to awaken all senses in the mind and body. It is like an activation process. If it comes from a dark source, it will feed off the soul. The soul determines how awakened you are at any given time. The soul is your life-force, or lack thereof.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

How The Flow of Change Works

This is my first video explaining the diagrams that I see in my mind like pictures of how the Creator gives us knowledge for creation through the spiritual realm. My guides are telling me to teach the information in the book which is something I did not plan on having to do. I have a lot of work to do on my presentation, but I have to admit it is not bad for someone who doesn't like being in front of a camera.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Separation Begins for End of Day

As I go through the search for who I am in this life, each day is different. Some days I see my God holding the universe in his hands and blowing love from his lips into all the space that exists. Some days I see my God in other people that may even just smile at me when passing by. Some days I feel my God crawling through my body and out into my view. Some days the birds hold messages that come from other worlds. Some days I can see the impact of the knowledge that there is no time and all the colors sparkle as I bring these other realms into my consciousness for that moment. There are periods of being connected with the universe as I see other dimensions looking down upon me. The wind will speak the whispers of love. The rain will reflect my sorrow or my joy depending upon how I feel at the time. The thunder will speak to me for attention as my God shows me His power.

The more I become aware of my connection with creation, my reality changes. When I reflect on who I was before I knew this world was there, the passion flows inside my heart and body as I remember the times of darkness. I remember the day I realize that I only have the moment and nothing else matters. I was standing in a corridor that leads to several doors in a hospital. I was thinking that I could not think another thought or do another thing and I stood there crying with no relief in sight. I called my cousin who told me to look at my foot. I didn’t have any idea of how this would help but I did what he suggested because I just wanted to die at that moment. I stood there looking at my foot and realized that all my past and all that could happen was not there with me at that moment. I just stood in the same spot for at least 10 minutes before I became aware of the echo of my breath. I did not know God at that time in my life but I felt a presence that encased my entire body and within a blink of an eye I felt better.

The anxiety left me and I was able to gather myself together to continue through that day of darkness. When I reflect on days like that (there were many) I now understand why I had such experiences. To reach my desperation for change was needed and all the strength of who I now am comes from such experiences. On the days I forget where I come from, I take such memories out into the forefront of my thoughts so I can compare those times to who I am today. I take those memories of darkness to shine the light that God gives me into them for others who may need hope for their own struggles.

Each time I took a few minutes to focus on my body and reminded myself that I am right here in this moment and nowhere else, I was able to fight with the thoughts of just wanting to die. Each time I breathed in, I would hold the air inside my lungs and look at my hands, my feet and the moment would change. The thoughts of not being good enough, that I do not matter to anyone or I am a failure would disappear as I began to realize the miracle of being in this body. I had to experience the feelings of desperation to know the love that has been given to me all along. My love affair with my God is different every day. One the days I do not feel this presence, I reflect on my darkness so I can see this light that I now know was always there, waiting to shine. I am the tool for this world and take my past filled with darkness to shine the light for others so they can use it for themselves.

The search for who I am is becomes a search for us all. We are in this thing called life together and we are the vessels for this unseen world. All we have been makes us who we are. We have to know the darkness to understand the light when it shines like the stars in the night-time sky. The last few years have lead me into a world that I will never understand. I take what I can grasp for myself and give the rest to my God. I accept that the knowledge I have is for what I need at this time. Each day I am given a little more insight into why I am here. Each day I am given a little more insight into why I am here. The end of times is upon us and there is a time coming that will fulfill all the prophesies written of our world.

When I am given information, I am amazed that it can be found in the Bible. I write about the lawless one, for example. I did not know who the lawless one was until I looked it up in the Bible. I write about the unveiling, the armor for end of days and the spiritual war. I very anxious when writing about these topics but I am told by my God that I am to continue learning about these upcoming events to help prepare us for what is coming. Some people do not understand what I write and ask me why I put so much time into such things. I have very little free time as I work fulltime and have two children that demand my attention. I stay up late at night and my average 4 hours of sleep to get this information to those who need it. I am told with urgency that we are in a time period that will reveal the world behind the veil.

Those who call out to a savior to help them during this tie must reach in desperation for the light to see the truth of who they are. Those who do not care and only look towards the darkness will separate into a world that will not be sustained in the world of those in the light. Our world is going to shift and the polarities of the light and dark will be physically seen. It will be like pouring oil into water and the two will separate. Those in the darkness will not even see the separation. Those in the light will shield their thoughts as they release the despair for those who do not want the knowledge. The separation begins for the end of days.

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Tragedy

© (Greg Lovett / The Palm Beach Post) Greg Lovett/Greg Lovett

***This entry is dedicated to all who are impacted by the shooting that occurred in Parkland, Florida on Valentines Day. I am witness to the suffering that this tragedy is causing.....

With much chaos in the world during this time, the illusions are many. It is important to keep focused on why you are here. The difficulties lie in the fear that arises with so many events that make you feel unsafe, even in your homes. How do you stay centered to raise the frequencies to a love-based world when our children are being killed in schools, when the suicide rate is at an all time high, when our government is divided and when the view in front of us is full of anger and rage?

This is a time when all your beliefs are put to the test. The impact of a tragedy causes one to feel as though they are not in their bodies and that the events that occurred or are occurring are not real. For those who hear about a tragedy that others are experiencing through the news or through word of mouth, the emotions of fear, anxiety, sadness or anger arises. For everyone with the knowledge that a horrible event has occurred and lives may have been lost as a result, a unity occurs with the need for understanding.

No words can assist when attempting to cope with knowing someone has been hurt or killed at the hands of another or themselves. It is a time of great emotions with no logic to balance the mind and body. Many may question if there is a God and if there is a God, why would this God allow such things to occur? Some may even say that they cannot take this life any longer and that there is no hope for anything positive to come out of all the suffering that may be occurring.

How do we continue shining love into this mess when only the aftermath is left with everything that appears to be torn into shreds? The first step is to look from a higher level of understanding. The only way to see things from this higher level is by asking for guidance with no judgements. A willingness to see the full picture helps ease one out of the emotions to become the observer. Once you are above the view of chaos, you will have the ability to connect to a higher level of knowledge. You can then see each person that is impacted by the events that resulted in the tragedy. Each connects into the web of All.

Once you see the thread in the web that goes from each person, the knowledge will flow that this thread goes into everyone, up above the world and into the universe. This flow will take you all the way back to the beginning link that is called by many names. As you stand with this Source of All power, you will then look out into the universe with a different view. The journeys are many, but the destination is the same; we all go back to ONE. Because we all go back to ONE, then those who inflicted such pain and suffering that resulted in the tragedy is a part of this Source. It will be difficult to understand that we are looking at ourselves when looking at each part of the tragedy that occurred. A protector that may have hid instead of standing up to a gunman, a hero who died to save others, the innocent who died and didn’t even know what was happening, a gunman who killed with the hate for a life gone so wrong and those who thought they were helping someone who turned out to be a killer. Each has their own journey that trails to the center of the web that connects to the Whole of All.

Once the anger subsides and the questions of “Why” cannot be answered, the knowledge will come that we can only focus on how we react to the tragedy. Do we stay in fear and hide from the rest of the world or do we turn the tragedy into an opportunity for positive change? Do we embrace Something Greater and seek for a way to provide service to those in need or do we decide to isolate in our hearts and minds to never trust again? Do we pick ourselves up and find Something Greater to shine into the tragedy to help heal everyone impacted or do we look for ways to destroy out of anger for the injustices done?

The illusions are many as attempts are being made so we do not focus on the real reason we are here. Many are waking up and those who do not want us to wake up are using the weak minded as pawns to keep us in fear. There is a greater force at work in such tragedies to ensure we do not remember who we really are. The thoughts are heard and as we rise above the fear-based thoughts, those who want to keep us under control are trying to reach into the core of what we are made from to ensure we do not remember.

Remind yourself that with love in your heart and with intensions to help humanity evolve, you are protected by benevolent beings who are guiding us into a new world that does not have tragedies. Keep focused and remember your purpose for being here. Shine the light, love and healing into the tragedies that will be many as the prophecies come into view. Keep Something Greater at the forefront of your thoughts and continue to raise the frequencies into love-based vibrations as the new world turns the tragedies into Something Greater.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rock Bottom

The Flow of Change for the Soul

Chapter 57

**This chapter was written after I lived this process.....
How do you find love in a world that cannot be seen or touched? How do you find the faith to believe in Something Greater that leads into a life full of love? How can you believe that there is Something Greater than you, that there is a world that will guide your thoughts in all you say and do? The day you hit rock bottom and have nothing left inside is the day you will receive a gift called desperation that hides. It will not seem as though it is a gift until you realize that you cannot live within your thoughts without the help from something outside of yourself.  You will have to accept that this life you live cannot be a life you live all alone.

This is not a world that is meant to live within the darkness of you mind. You are not in this body to live all alone. You will have to reach the bottom of your thoughts to help you realize you cannot live alone within your mind any longer. The desperation comes when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired right inside your mind. The inability to hold all these dark thoughts will lead you to this time. Rock bottom comes when you cannot put another thought into your mind. This will be the day when you realize you have nothing left inside. As the realization comes that something has to change, you will have to reach outside of all the misery you hold.

The thoughts may come that you cannot tell others what you think, then someone will reach for you with a smile or a word and show you that they care. Something Greater comes to you through people in your life. As you speak the darkest thoughts to someone that you trust, you will feel relief inside as you empty out your mind. The more you speak to someone else, the more will be revealed. It is not as bad as how you thought inside your mind.

Something Greater crawls inside and shines a light for change. Something Greater releases you from the bondage of yourself. Rock bottom is the day you have nowhere else to go. Rock bottom is the day you surrender all the darkness that you hold. The gift of desperation comes so you can reach outside of yourself. This gift will help you see the life that was always there. It is a life that you could not see because you sat inside the darkness of your mind. Rock bottom is the way to find the love for yourself.

Rock bottom is the way to compare all the darkness that you hold to the light of love that shines because you sat inside the darkness. As you sit in the bottom of all the darkest thoughts you have, Something Greater shines the love through people, places and things. The hope will then shine into the place you call rock bottom. No one else can find this place except for you. No one else will know just how much pain you are in. This place is only for you to experience so you can find your way into the land where Something Greater wants to show you all the love. That will be the day you know that you hit rock bottom to receive the gift called desperation, so you could find Something Greater.