Friday, January 17, 2014

The Word

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

The word was written before you came into this dimension and all has come to pass.  The word stands just as the creation began with the word.  You are in the circle of life that spirals back to Me.  Like the sea shell that holds the sound of the ocean, you hold the word that echoes in your soul.  You each represent a piece of Me and spiral as far as you can go to create in My imagine.  You are currently on the outer edges of creation and this makes you fearful.  I already know what will come to pass as you reach for more knowledge of who you are becoming.  I am the beginning and the end and you circle back to Me just like the child who grows up to come home to be a child again.  Your pocket of time is etched into the fabric of the whole that intertwines all pieces.  The awakening will intertwine your current fabric of time with several other pieces for one complete garment for My fulfillment.  I hold all your memories that bring you to this moment.  Your purpose in this dimension shines for all the universe to see as you question your self and what you do here. Your days of being asleep are numbered as each stitch of thread is piecing My garment together.  With each passing day, your signs will remind you of things that will have to happen for your awakening.  You prepare in your dreams. 

The Awakening

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

We will begin to notice groups of people with the same emotions.  Everyone will congregate to their group for the awakening that will come inside each and everyone of us.  Those of us that run in fear and try to hide will see that we cannot hide from our self.  The Kingdom lies inside of us and all must understand what this means before the last sound of change.  Our planet is full of judgment, hatred, jealousy, anger and pain.  The masses are lost and our churches are separated with each believing that their way is the only way to find something greater.  Our time of looking to someone else for the answers is coming to an end.  We do not have to fear this awakening but many of us will not accept that it is really happening.  This will cause the separation that must occur.  We cannot have the light with the darkness as one.  Just like the day is separated from the night, those of us full of fear will run into the night.  The truth will shine into us all for the awakening.  We will understand that this is the beginning of the end and we each have our purpose for this union.  The groups are forming to prepare as the spirits fill our thoughts with confusion.  The spirits want to share what they know as well.  Each day will be different inside of us and each group we surround our self with will determine the type of spirits we will allow into our emotions that create our thoughts.  The spirits know all our thoughts and are watching for their moment to enter into our world.  We must imagine to create and our inspirations come from the spirits.  Do not look to your neighbor for the answers, now is the time to go inside of your self.  With our faith and patience, we will begin to see our reality change right before our eyes.  We will think thoughts, hear sounds and smell smells that will bring the spirit into our reality.  We will know we are not alone and that Something Greater is at work in our life.  The spirit will be present in all these things before we will be able to see the veil lift for the final call.  All will be revealed and we know inside that we are being prepared for this moment that will change our world and all we are becoming. 


** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

Anger comes through the feeling of righteousness. The thought that others are not doing what we think they should do or the thought that we are not doing what others think we should do occurs.  Either way this emotion presents itself, it is a protection mechanism as we cipher through what is the next right decision. We will be at a crossroad with our emotions.  The power of anger is very strong and it will feel as though we will have no choice but to follow this path.  The power of confusion lies in the middle of anger.  Question after question will layer our thoughts.  How we put these thoughts into our mind will determine the experiences to come.  When we are blocked from seeing the results of our actions and go full force with what we think we should do, the result will be full of anger.  It does not matter what either person thinks in the situation, the end result will be explosive.  Our thoughts and emotions are unbalanced and with such negative reactions, the end result will have no other option but to have a negative outcome.  If we take the anger and look at why we feel as though we have to protect our self, we will realize that the experience is not about what the other person's actions are.  We will understand that it is about what our thoughts are to bring us to this moment.  Our foundation inside will determine our reaction to such a powerful emotion.  Anger goes full force like a damn bursting with rushing waters.  Some of us even kill with this emotion.  If we take the anger and look at what we must change within our self, we will understand why we needed it for our internal strength.  As we build our foundation on hope and faith of Something Greater, we take the anger and turn it into sorrow as compassion emerges.  Gratitude will be the product and as we experience more and more of these moments, we will see that anger has become steps in our journey towards Something Greater.  We will let go of control and surrender to the knowledge that we are right where we are suppose to be to experience such knowledge.  We will then set boundaries for what is to come.  When we are experiencing pain, we must allow our self time to heal.  Our emotions will be wounded and scattered with periods of confusion mixed with the anxiety.  As we give our self time to allow these feelings to sit in the forefront of our mind, we will be like the icicle melting in the sunshine.  The beauty inside the ice radiates in the sunlight just as the anger begins to radiate strength for change.  We will then be able to turn the experience of anger into lessons that will result in examples  others will learn from when they look at our path.  Something Greater will be there to guide us on this path and will shine the light of knowledge as we ask for  the courage to change the things we can, the serenity to accept the things we cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Spirit

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

Just like the rain nourishes the Earth, the spirit nourishes us.  There are spirits that are assigned certain functions to create through us.  Each spirit has a purpose within us.  With each new level of awareness, we will be able to see them in our thoughts and in the world around us.  The task is to bring the spirit into our life to integrate this world into the physical dimension.  It is up to us to choose which spirits, based upon what they are assigned to do by Something Greater, that we want in our life.  The dark spirits that cause us fear and turmoil must be viewed from a different perspective.  Knowing that fear is the darkness because of the unknown gives us a choice as to what to do next.  As we realize the choices we have are the signs of growth, we can take the dark spirits and shine the light of knowledge upon them to bring us hope.  This emotion will result in a faith as our thoughts spring into action.  Names of these spirits are important for several reasons.  As sound vibrates into our dimension and brings forth certain energy levels, the calling to a specific spirit will bring forth a specific energy that identifies with the sound we vocalize.  The sound prepares for the creation of this energy into this dimension.  Some religions call them angels and demons.  It is an individual choice to acknowledge the existence of such entities in our world.  To deny the miracle of what lies behind the curtain of creation blocks us from growing in this dimension. It is like only learning half the story in a book.  We will only be using a piece of who we are in our world.  When we bring it all together and realize that we can call upon a spirit with good intensions, the laws of creation will abide by our request.  It is important to ensure that we know our intensions and ask the ultimate source of creation that some people call God.

The Fight Is Within Us

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

Do you look inside of yourself with fear that paralyzes you into doing nothing or do you now see you are the action for change?  No one else gives you the abilities that you hold.  If you do not feel what it is that you are to do, listen to you thoughts and feelings.  Those of us that say they only look at logic will not find the connection to Something Greater, it in our feelings that we must seek.  Those of us who are victims will not find the connection to Something Greater because their emotions overwhelm them.  It can be found in the balance of thoughts and emotions as we connect with the physical world around us.  We will find that as we become anchored we become prepared for what is coming.  We activate the knowing of Something Greater as we seek for answers.  What is this connection?  It is the energy that comes from outside of our self that brings us strength to seek something better in our life.  To seek love and happiness so we can radiate these feelings into the world around us for the betterment of our universe.  The fight between the darkness and the light becomes very real in our life.  Our every day tasks become a part of this fight.  We began to shine a light that slowly changes the darkness around us.  This darkness helps us see what it is that we must change for our awakening.  We will begin to look away from our anxiety and fear and we will eventually place these emotions outside of our self.  We will replace these emotions with the love we seek.  We will keep some of the negative emotions for balance until the day we do not need them at all.  We will experience emotions like anger and hatred less and less.  These emotions will turn into an understanding for why we needed them.  The fight is within our self, not others.  When we struggle with this knowledge,  we must remember that the world around us is a product of our thoughts that have transformed from our emotions.  When we look at our struggles from this perspective, we change all that surrounds us.  Something Greater speaks to us in our emotions to generate new thoughts.  Obedience is the key at this stage. The knowing that what we hear inside our mind is important for us and ultimately for our world.  We have been hearing and seeing the messages but we have not been able to understand what they mean.  Now is the time for our awakening.  The illusions will disappear and we will realize how important we are in this dimension.  All the pain and confusion turns into excitement for what we are becoming.  We will see the messages of what to do next all around us.  The calling is real and we will cry out with joy and anticipation.