Sunday, December 22, 2019

2020-The Other Side of the Veil Shines Through

We only have what we believe that guides us through each day. How do we know which way to go without the belief in who we are? The time is here when all we thought we were is fading away. The truth of what we are about is seeping inside. Some cannot handle the thought of more than what we see. They need the proof of what science says we are. History reflects so many things that do not have answers. The chaos that this planet shows tells us there is more.

How do we do our daily tasks and know that there is more? Look within the making of the moment and you will find the clues. The answers lie within your heart that connects within the thoughts. Together you will find that there is more than you have been taught. We come from another place and this body is only being used for a short time. The essence of who we are lives beyond this space.

The matrix is in overload as the higher frequencies lift the veil. Even what we see is changing as the truth reflects behind the veil. The upcoming year is the beginning as the truths are revealed. Do not listen to the words, look into the eyes. The power of the truth will show you what is real. Be cautious as you seek. You will find what you already knew but could not bring yourself to accept. The year of 2020 will uncover the disguises that are being worn. Those who wear the costumes may not even know that they are the vessel for this unveiling.

Your heart may begin to beat faster as you find these words seeping into the core of your being. The whispers are getting louder as you feel the body changing. If you are hearing these words, your frequency is rising to bring you to this message. The universes are watching in anticipation as you awaken to the truth in this upcoming year. We are seeping into your thoughts as you continue to fight with the possibility that this is your imagination.

We are just outside of your eyesight as our sound resonates into your soul. You feel the pressure as the soul tries to release the chains from lifetime after lifetime of repression. When you know the truth of your control the grieving can begin so you can heal. Empowerment comes with your truth so do not fear this process. You will be capable of greatness once the soul is unbound. You came here for this experience to release the karma and transform into the light body. To rise into the heavens as you transform the soul is what all long to do. The fears of not being loved leaves as you awaken to this understanding. With no fear, there will be no control.

We reach inside your heart and mind to help you unleash your bondage. There is no stopping this cleansing. You planned this time and are being activated for this awakening. The year of 2020 will be like the eye of a hurricane. You will see all the chaos swirling around you as you sit calmly in the eye. Many will not be able to physically withstand the changes. You will see young hearts that stop for no reason. You will see many deaths from diseases that eat away at the body as the emotions turn physical. You will see many who will kill themselves and others as this unveiling occurs. You are the chosen to stand strong in the eye of the hurricane.

The year of 2020 is the time of truths. The other side of the veil is now reflecting into your world. All will experience it, and many are not ready. It will be up to each of you to serve the masses. You cannot get through this upcoming year alone. Mother Earth is bringing you all that you need. Your task is to stay in the Now and feel the knowing that all is supposed to occur this way. Acceptance without approval may be needed. All generations are bound inside of you and all lifetimes will be revealed. As the frequencies rise, your memories of all you have been will come to the surface. The year of 2020 is the time to face your truth as the other side of the veil shines through.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How the Soul Grows

The vibration of the soul brings forth the power from the spirit. This connection intertwines with the consciousness that integrates the mind and body. This combined power forms into the creation where you sit. The higher realms see the colors you make based upon the frequency you radiate into the Whole of All. Many are forming into the colors for expansion that reflects out into the Milky Way. It is an exciting time as all the universes watch this section of the galaxy create light rays that have never been seen before.

As your frequency rises, the refraction of light that illuminates your current body shifts into the higher fields of colors. It is like when you shine a flashlight into the darkness to show shadows that emerge within the light’s reflection. The objects that reflect the shadows are not the shadows, but merely the outline of the objects that are positioned somewhere else. Your body is the outline of your over-soul that shines from a higher position. You are the shadow of this creation. The over-soul cannot expand further without your growth. Your current density determines the rays of light the over-soul can reflect. As you consciously rise and form your frequency into the shapes needed for this growth, the over-soul can then expand into the higher realms to ultimately provide you with the knowledge for your further creation.

The knowledge is obtained through the rays of light that reflect within the darkness. Creation begins within this darkness as the light rays form through sound. Once the sound vibrates at specific frequencies, the light rays gather the knowledge needed for the expansion of creation. The over-soul needs you just like the flower needs water. It cannot grow without you. As the over-soul gathers further knowledge within the light rays, it must share this knowledge with the soul to continue the path towards the reunification with the Creator of All.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

All Souls Feel the Shift

The spirit is present like never before as the planet vibrates at some of the highest levels ever recorded. The normal rate that the planet resonates is at 7.83hz. This year it had readings as high as 150hz (Edward Morgan). One may feel it caressing the body upon awakening or when in a twilight sleep. The changes are more noticeable to those that are seeking. When looking at others, the soft whispers of their struggles, their hopes, their futures and their pasts are all wrapped up and made visible in that moment. All lives lived are bursting out into view as the veil melts away like the icicle in the morning sun. The hologram humans are living within is reflecting the light that holds all knowledge for this quickening that is shifting all forms inside. When darkness surrounds others, it is casting the shadows of the lower realms that they have not yet integrated into the present moment. All are feeling this shift, yet few are embracing or understanding what it means. All souls came for this experience yet have become comfortable with their current lives and have forgotten why they are here. As a result, traumatic events must occur to wake everyone from this dream state.

The other realms are reaching into this planet to help with the shift that is occurring. Many are hearing the whispers, feeling the frequencies rising, seeing the shadows and smelling the presence of these other realms. Few understand what is happening as those within the other realms try to communicate through all the senses in attempts to guide everyone through this transition. The human body is multi-dimensional and as it shifts into the higher realms, the mind is trying to grasp on to any logical explanations for experiences that are beyond understanding. Many are trying to pretend they do not hear the voices inside the thoughts, smell the smells coming from the other realms or see the sights that are reflecting other worlds. Those who are acknowledging the shift on the planet are finding the inability to keep up with the information that is seeping into the mind and body. There are no words for the experiences that are happening daily. How do you tell someone that you see their future, feel their physical pain, see those who have died or know things because you hear the information in whispers? All are having such experiences, and many are looking the other way in hopes they will not occur another day.

Some are seeing the energies that are bringing the current conscious state of existence onto this planet. These energies look like waves within the wind. Colors that have never been seen are now present. Some of these colors even radiate around the body. They are the reflection of what lies within. The power that makes these colors come from the soul that is ignited by the spirit. The spirit flows into the soul and, depending upon how much fear the soul is encased within, brings forth these colors that come from the emotions. The consciousness that is flowing through even the wind is carried by the spirit and those that receive this power are chosen by the over-soul. The over-soul gets orders from the Creator of All and carries them out in the name of creation. The colors that radiate from the body helps the Creator determine who is ready for more knowledge. Those who are chosen receive insights into the other realms for creation that they cannot know without the power of grace. The spirit brings forth the knowledge through grace. The over-soul channels the power based upon the experiences the individual souls seek for growth. It is like a web where all is connected, and each can access the information from every direction. The soul is connected through the center of the web. The amount of fear or love one holds in the emotions determine what type of information the mind and body can hold. The soul is like a seed that is planted in the ground. The spirit is like the effect water has on a seed; it nourishes the body and determines how much the soul will or will not grow.

This planet is now vibrating at a pace that is waking all souls. It is like a bear waking from a long winter’s nap. All souls are shifting like the change from winter into summer. It is a dramatic shift that is by passing spring and fall. It is not something that one can say, “there it is”. It is to be lived. All came for this experience. All souls feel the shift.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Whispers from the Spirit

Once one has balanced out the feelings and thoughts when discovering another world that cannot be seen, a new understanding slowly seeps into the consciousness. The stages of enlightenment come at different times for everyone, but everyone will experience each stage. The stage when the spirit begins to whisper guidance will come. During this stage, those within it will feel an empowerment growing like the flower in the shadows of a large tree. Everything you see, say and do becomes signs to guide you through the maze you feel you are in on the path to enlightenment. You begin to feel as though you are becoming conscious on a mass level and the old fears of thinking no one wants to hear what you have to say begins to dissolve like the icicle in the morning sun. You will begin to feel the responsibilities increasing and the whispers will be heard that you are given knowledge to share. You can hear the soft voice guiding you as you become more selective with the knowledge you share. Prior to this balance within your thoughts and emotions, you would tell everyone you met about this unseen world. In this stage, you learn that the spirit brings those to you that need the information and you begin to relax somewhat.
You still struggle with the body as the soul rejects the foods you still want, and you become sick when consuming foods that you have always eaten in the past that are no longer helpful for the growth of the soul. Prior to sharing what the spirit whispers, you can now control the need to say things that you know others within your presence are not ready to hear. You can see it in their eyes. You can hear the words, “Everyone has their own journey back to the Creator of All”. You are the action and wait for every instruction from your guides of what is next. The spiritual warfare is always in the back of your thoughts as you help those who fight within their own thoughts. You see so many struggling in the stage you once experienced, and you wish you knew how to articulate why they don’t have to suffer any longer. You feel like the mother trying to protect them from something you know everyone must go through. All you can say is that it must be experienced to know the difference. How can you know the love without knowing what it is not?
The spirit whispers through people, places and things to guide you along and when difficulties come your way, you now thank your God for the opportunity to gain more knowledge so your soul can continue to grow while in human form. Acceptance without approval is a challenge, yet you remind yourself that everything in your world reflects a part within yourself that is trying to work its way to the surface. The daily routine is now viewed to make the ordinary moments extraordinary. When waking to start the day, you can now see this as a gift. Some days you long to return to the way things use to be before you knew there was another world that cannot be seen. Then the spirit whispers to look towards the colors in the sky that you have never noticed before. You are forever changed as the awakening brings you a life that you could never have known without the spirit’s guidance and whispers.
The ordinary moments now become extraordinary as you anticipate the whispers from the spirit. One day the spirit may whisper through a conversation with another who provides answers they didn’t even know you needed. Other days the spirit may whisper through a message in a song. Some days the spirit may whisper through numbers on a clock as 11:11 shows up when you question your abilities. Some days the spirit may whisper through a dog that licks you on the face when you are sad. One day the spirit may whisper in the form of a phone call from someone you were thinking about right before they called you. Each day will bring the whispers from the spirit as you seek for more to be revealed.