Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Light of Truth

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

**This is an entry from 20 pages that I hand wrote within an hour.  I didn't know what I was writing until I read it back to myself.

I come to you with a message that all will hear some day.  The words were spoken long ago.  The time has come for many of you to take the path into a world that you have heard about but do not understand.  Between your thoughts and emotions lies an opening that leads you into the unseen.  It is always there waiting to open into your mind.  This opening will be unavoidable as it seeps into your thoughts.  You hear it at times but do not recognize that it is there.  Some of you hear it calling to you at night.  Some of you hear it in the world around you.  For those of you who refuse to recognize that it is there, you will find a world full of fear that emerges into your life.  A change is coming like nothing before, it is in the air as you go about your day.  You may hear something that speaks to you inside or you may see things that others do not see.  You may look at others and know that something is being exchanged between you that makes you have a feeling that you do not understand.  Your world is colliding with the unseen and the time is near when it will show itself for all to see.  The prophets have spoken of a God that exists.  A God that will be seen by all your world.  You can choose to ignore it as you have freewill.  There is a darkness that is spreading across your world. The fallen angels are walking across your land to bring it to you all.  You will recognize these angels that have emerged into human form by what lies behind their eyes.  This time has been spoken in another place.  You will remember when you look inside.  These angels will make you think that they are full of love, but you will know that they are not who they say they are if you listen to the opening between your thoughts and feelings.  The time is near for the Creator to shine the light of truth.  This light brings the unseen out into your world.  The truth will begin to shine from your thoughts that give you knowledge.  You will not like to hear some of what you learn.  It will be your responsibility to take this knowledge from your mind and share it with your world.  If you choose to do nothing, that will be your choice. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Puzzle

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

The puzzle of life is big and holds so many pieces that we do not know where to put them all for completion.  There may be sections that feel complete and then we find a piece of love in the wrong place.  There may be pieces that are all together and then they will need to be taken totally apart to put back together another way.  As we take each section of our life that is complete, we will one day look at the whole puzzle and find that we didn’t have any of it put together right.  Some of us will want to just keep it together any way, until the day when we realize that nothing fits no matter how we try.  Some of us will even try to take the pieces and make them fit until we see that the completion doesn’t make any sense at all. For those of us who find Something Greater, we don’t take any pieces to try and make them fit anywhere.  We are the ones who wait until the pieces come to us.  We are the ones who know the moment is all there is.  We do not need the puzzle to be complete because we are already complete inside.  We are the ones who accept the piece of anguish as a way to hold the answers that leads us to Something Greater.  We are the ones who take the piece of desperation and open it wide for all to see.  We will not need to put it anywhere as we wait for the answers as to where it is suppose to go. We are the ones who take the piece of pain and give it to Something Greater to hold for us. 

With each piece of the puzzle that fits to make the whole, the puzzle will just get bigger as we stand back further and further to get a better look.  There will come a day when we will be far enough away to see when looking at the puzzle  that we are only a section of a piece that leads to Something Greater that is the whole.  We will then be able to see that all the pieces of the puzzle are important and that each piece brings us one portion closer to Something Greater.  Then the day will come when our bodies will lose the ability to help us understand how the piece of Something Greater fits into our life.  We will question why we have pieces of sickness and even the piece called death.  Those of us who have given the piece of pain to Something Greater will take the piece of anguish that comes with questions of why we get sick to begin with and why we have to die and will find the answers in all that leads us to this moment in our mind.  The puzzle will become complete when we understand that Something Greater gave us all the pieces that brought us to this day.  That is when the sickness and the fear of death will leave us as we find the peace in knowing Something Greater lies beyond our bodies.  Then we will release our fears and face our sickness and even death with the piece of surrender as we accept that Something Greater knows what will be next.  So as we take each piece of the puzzle and go about our way, we must only carry what makes us whole today.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

About The Author

There once was woman who was diagnosed with cancer.  She stood at the mirror and looked at herself with despair.  Her beauty was gone and she no longer knew who she was inside.  She tried to look into her eyes to find some answers.  All she found was tears of sorrow that kept streaming down her face.  She felt no love from anyone and she didn’t even like herself.  She wanted to die but she was afraid of death.  She withered away a little everyday as she lost her hair and lost so much weight from not eating.  She never told anyone how she felt because she didn’t think that anyone cared. She wasn’t sure if there was anything out in the world that was listening to her cries at night.  She didn’t really know how to pray but thought she would try it.  Every time she felt the pain of living inside and every time she felt sick from all the medications for her illness, she would pray to a God that she didn’t understand.  Then one day when she was sick and didn’t care if she died, she prayed for peace and said to herself that she cannot live this way any longer.  She had heard about a God that was suppose to help when asked.  So she cried with all of her desperation for something to give her the strength to get through her days.  Then one day as she helped someone get a picture in a store, she saw the words that she had been praying for so long.  She heard a voice that told her to write everything down that she thought from that day forward.  As she wrote the words that came, they were like none ever before.  Now she never spoke before about how bad she was feeling and as she wrote the words that came to her, they were how to find Something Greater.  She was scared and all alone but knew the words were special.  She wanted to write all the time to make sure she didn’t miss anything she thought about.  She started out writing about thoughts and emotions.  As she wrote, she realized that when she was at her desperation, she recognized the painting’s words as a message for herself.  She wasn’t sure what it meant, but she had nothing else to try.  Her mind was in such turmoil that she began to write.  The words became messages from Something Greater.  Some of it she did not understand, but knew that they were important.  As she worked with such determination to write the thoughts that now were messages, her life began to change.  All the despair and all of the pain began to leave her.  When she looked in the mirror she saw the light behind her eyes that seemed to speak back to her.  She wanted to share this new found strength to anyone who would listen.  As she spoke and told her story, she began to heal.  The scars were now battle wounds that were left upon her body and she knew that the war for her life lied within herself.  All her life she had let someone else tell her what to do.  All her life she lived in fear and never thought of herself.  As she wrote, she started out wanting to spread this message that Something Greater was at work and she knew how to find it.  As she told her story to others, people began to want to know how she went from being so sad to so happy.  Then one day, as she looked in the mirror, she realized that she was different.  She was not sick anymore and she was full of love.  She wanted to share this knowledge with anyone who would listen. She found Something Greater and she wants to tell others that they can too.   

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Mirror

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

Emotions are a product of several qualities and attributes that have been given to you from Something Greater in combination with your freewill.  The key to what you seek lies within the mirror.  What you see looking back at you is what projects out to other people.  Your material things only cover your wounds.  You must look at the darkness within yourself to understand the light.  As you learn that all negative emotions trace back to fear and all positive emotions trace back to love, you are at a cross roads within yourself.  All emotions are important and should be viewed as a gift.  Knowing you are the vessel for Something Greater to come into this dimension brings great responsibilities.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ask To Receive

** The information in this blog is parts of a book that the author is sharing for feedback.  No information can be copied without the author’s permission.

I lie in the crack between your thoughts and time.  I am like the rays of sunshine that can only be viewed if you position your eyes within the rays of light that shine at any given moment.  Even on the days it is cloudy, you will know that I Am there as the sun sits behind the clouds and patiently waits to shine out to all who will notice. I Am the inspiration behind the music to guide your knowledge.  I Am the inspiration behind the pictures to paint as you capture My essence within the strokes you place onto the canvas.  The inspirations for your words come from Me and this guides you into what you decide to allow into your thoughts based upon the level of energy that you hold.

There are groups of emotions that flow through you at any given time.  Each group of emotions will bring forth certain thoughts.  As thoughts form from these emotions, the energy becomes stronger.  Once you have taken the energy from various pockets of emotions and mixed them with certain thoughts, this combined energy spreads out into your physical world.  It does not matter who the person is who made the song that holds the words to get you through a difficult thought or who painted the picture that left you mesmerized.  What matters is that the song or the painting was made for you at the right moment to give you more knowledge about who you are on your path to Me.  The more you notice My presence, the more you will understand that I created all the universe to bring you to this time.

All the universe must respond when any of My young seek help and ask in My name. I will give you the knowledge to know what you need so you can give to others that which was planned prior to coming into this dimension. I will not help you unless you ask.  When you ask with your true intensions to improve your life or others I will bring you the blessings you seek.  My laws assure you that if you ask in My name, you will receive that which you ask for.  Do not hold expectations or question how you will receive what you seek. Look for the answers that are promised to come through your thoughts that will seep into the world around you for your messages.