Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Battle Wounds (A Journal Entry)

Today I see everyone’s hologram and how they walk within their own worlds. I look above and weave in and out of each one. I can almost see what energy source they pull into the space that surrounds them. It takes significant effort to keep myself separate as I remind myself that they have their own lessons to learn and I am not a part of that; yet, I can help them along with each encounter I have with them. Maybe, I need to just look into their eyes and shine my light, maybe just a smile will be enough or maybe my words can ring into their souls to activate the knowing of who they are. Ultimately, it all is for my growth as I allow the flow to go through the body.

The beings of light are within me and around me. They have visited me throughout my life as I reflect on all the encounters. I repressed the memories with the idea that they were not real. Now I see with clarity as I clear the fear from my body. The connection is strong as I look for verification in the world around me. I am expanding this light into the third dimension to assist with the healing of this planet.

With my battle wounds from breast cancer, lupus, suicidal thoughts and addiction, I sit with the knowing of where I come from and where I will return. I will leave imprints within the words I write and within the words I speak for all those seeking to assist with the healing of this planet.

I am here to heal within this pocket called time. I expand my hologram out to those who need the light from those who work through my body. It is a group effort, and all is being experience so all can identify with a part of the whole.

I see each hologram around those who walk past me along the way. I see the information that pours into them and turns into their words. I look at the energy that swirls around the spaces above and around their heads. I see the exchange of energies that each one takes and gives. I seek for meaning in each encounter.  
My battle wounds are now scars that remind me of where I come from. The knowing that I could not carry the spirit inside me this way without these experiences keeps me humble. I proudly view these scars as my strength and courage for today and I choose to keep my thoughts and feelings full of love. The choices flow with gratitude as I walk through the battlefield with no fear. I will have many more wounds before this life is over and as they turn into scars, I will gain more strength as I continue to transcend into the ever flowing knowledge that I will return to the power of ONE.

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