Wednesday, August 31, 2016


The vengeance of love will be watching through the principles as they see your virtues and know what morals you hold. As you gain knowledge that this unseen world exists, you can never go back to the way you were before this knowledge. It will be in your essence that you will then have to consciously decide if you choose to take this responsibility or will let it pass you by as you sit in the darkness with these thoughts that now have turned into knowledge. The awakening is occurring and the choices will be many. This stage of development will bring you to a crossroad within your mind. Do you go forth with information of a new world that has been talked about all through history and give your interpretation of what it means to you or do you turn it into insanity as you spiral down into the darkness of your mind?
You chose this time period to shine what energy you hold to further creation. It is the natural order of creation to have destruction always on the outer edges. Just as the universe expands into the darkness, so do you.

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