Friday, April 29, 2016

The Spirit Shines

In my darkest hours I can visualize how my God shines into my body and mind to bring me love for another day. I am now different since I faced my painful past. My writing is changing and I feel the power growing inside of me. I call myself a warrior as I fight even the darkness inside of myself. Since the beginning of my encounter with the spirit world I have been told that there is a battle. I see my battle inside as it projects into everyone I see. Something Greater is coming to each and every one.....................

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Living On Faith

I will not be positing to social media for the next 30 days. I have reached a point in my journey where I need to get outside help. I will not have access to any electronics during this time period. My traumatic childhood has come back to haunt me with memories that I cannot deal with on my own. I am going to a place called The Bridge in Bowling, Kentucky that specializes in childhood trauma. My job is being supportive and giving me this opportunity to find myself. I feel my God surrounding me with love as I look forward to taking what I learn and sharing it with those who may need it. I have found on my journey that who I am is a product of who I have been and acceptance of the two is important to love myself.  Living on Faith is something we all do as we reach for a world that is only in our thoughts.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Waves Within Your Mind

I wrote this entry when I was questioning why I had cancer and why my life was such a mess. I saw a vision of how the light trailed from the heavens into the trees as I wrote. It was a time of total excitement for what was to come in my life and total sorrow of where I come from.