Saturday, December 9, 2017

Words from Something Greater: The Lawless One

Chapter 30
Before your world is changed the lawless one will emerge. This soul will form from a Godly place. All will think the lawless one is walking with Me. Many will be fooled as they search outside of their selves. The wisdom will be given to My chosen few. The lawless one will rise so you can know the difference. Creation will form from all the destruction. Those who live in fear will grab onto every word that the lawless one speaks. Be still and I will protect you from within. As the darkness and My light bring forth the end of the darkness’ reign forever more, many of you will stray from Me as you will be fooled by the authority the lawless one will present. The masses will form into their groups as the lawless one arises to separate the two. Do not fear this time as you read these words. This day was spoken long ago. All My chosen have a mission as the groups form. You will show the masses who lives inside of you. My love will burn inside your eyes and the lawless groups will know. They will make you stand alone as they rise into the group they form.

As you stand in front of them, I will hold you high. They will not be able to touch one hair upon your head. Hear My call inside of you and know that you are saved. You will feel My love inside that I bestow with My grace. The lawless one will not be able to touch what we hold. Hear my call inside the sounds that echo in your head. I will lift the veil for you, so you will know the difference. You will look inside their eyes and see the darkness they hold. Do not mix inside their groups to try and show them love. They are My fallen angels that emerge into your form. They already know their time is coming to an end. I will bring those to you that will help you stand strong. I will send My angels into your form. Destruction will come to your land and all that you will see. You will be the tree inside the storms that come. The lawless one will not be able to stand the light you hold. The battle lies inside of you as you search for more. I come to bring My chosen all the gifts that you hold. You will begin to remember why you are here. You are the tool for My word forever more. Speak to all that hear My call so they can understand. The time is near when all you see will slip into a dream. The new world comes for all to see behind the veil. Those who hear Me listen to the sound that tells you there is more. I am near and want to show you who you are. I come to you to show you love and all that you can be. I speak to you inside the feeling that heals you inside. It is time for you to know that We are love.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Flame of Life, Healing & Prayer

Chapter 14

You will begin to learn how to ask for assistance from this unseen world. Even on the days you do not feel a connection, you will find that this world is intertwined with who you are. It is there. As you breathe in the air, it blends in with the air that trails all the way to your heart. Your heart will feel a presence in the air with you. It will take it straight to the flame of life (the soul). You will feel it burn inside as it spreads from your heart into the blood. With each thought of love you hold, more will pump into your veins. As you reach for more of this unseen world, more will come to you through love.

Those who hold the fear inside must ask for help. The fear will need to be replaced with love to heal your mind. As the fear is replaced with love, your body will respond. There will come a day when love will heal you inside.
The feelings that fear will bring to you can make you sick inside. When you take the loving thoughts, and blend them with the fear, all the sickness you hold will turn into the light of love. The love will mix into the blood and heal your physical ailments if you believe. It starts with the thoughts that there is Something Greater that can bring you to your knees. It will take great effort from you when you bring these thoughts into your life.

If you are physically sick, the pain may over power all your thoughts. Prayer will be the key during this stage of development. It will bring the sound of love and break the air that surrounds you. Each time you say the words out loud the air will respond to you. The prayer will be the seed you plant right within the words. The seed will grow each time you speak the words of hope inside the prayer. Then the day will come to you when you will see the prayer at work. The words will come into the air and grow into the faith.

The faith will come inside the things that you will see within your day. Did your loved one finally say the words you longed to hear? How does the bird speak to you in the trees as if to say “hello”? The view will bring the belief in Something Greater because of what you see. The belief in this unseen world will seep into who you are.

This stage of growth will bring a change in what you think. All the things you use to believe will then began to fade away. Your morals will turn into the foundation of all you show the world. The prayers will spread into the air as you speak what you believe. Your virtues will be the flower that comes into full bloom.

Your virtues will change any thoughts that may be dark inside. Your thoughts will reflect what your intentions are as you go about your way. The knowledge will come to you because of the intentions you hold that mix into your thoughts. The more you speak the truth to others, the more knowledge you will gain. The knowledge will come from the Grace the Holy Spirit will provide.

The more you mix the thoughts of truth into the air where you stand, the more the knowledge will come to you because of what you think. If your intentions are full of anger, jealousy or hate, it will not matter what you say because this unseen world will know. The mixture in the air will be like a hurricane in your mind. Your words will bring this world to you because of what you say. The more you say the words of love, the more the love will mix into your thoughts. Your thoughts of love will take any intentions that are full of fear and bring you to your knees. The fear will blend into the love as you say the words. This unseen world will change your view right before your eyes.

Prayer will break the air around you as you get up off your knees. Even if you don’t believe the prayer will plant the seed. The more you say the prayers out loud, the more you will see. The change will come inside your day like the rays of the sun that seep out from the clouds after a storm has passed by.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


The conscious effort of seeking for this world first in your thoughts will bring magic into the moment. Even if you do not believe in this world and you make a conscious effort to seek for something to bring you out of anguish, something will appear within your journey through the day that will tell you that you are heard in the universe. At first you will question if what you experience is coincidences and then a feeling of desperation will bring the need to grab on to the thought that you are not alone. The humility that you are nothing without the thought that there is Something Greater will bring you hope because of such thoughts. The activation of these three components will bring forth the thought that Something Greater brought these moments to you. You will then like the feelings that come along with such thoughts and the process of awaking occurs.

With each thought that appears in a song, someone’s smile, a picture and even in the rain, you will begin to like the thoughts you hold. As you crawl out of the fear-based thoughts into the hope of Something Greater you must consciously decide if you want to continue to believe in this unseen world and the thought that you are being heard. The voice will speak inside your thoughts and the sounds will echo. Then the day will appear that you will know this world speaks to you and you will then have activated the component called faith. The faith you obtain in this stage of development will be like the morning dew that lifts in the rays of the sun. It will be a process that you will experience and will not see. You will not wake up and say “There it is”. You will build into a mixture that will set the foundation of your belief system.

 These components will bring you to a place within yourself where you will feel strong inside as the mixture brings forth your morals. With each decision you begin to make, this new belief system will add to your morals and the flow will then change all the other components. The impact this new belief system will have on your morals will be two-fold. Your foundation will then be different and the morals that sit above your belief system will seep into your virtues. This process will be like the lava in a volcano.

Your virtues will be the action you will take because of your morals. As your beliefs change, this new system will begin to build up inside of your morals and this combination of energy will have only one option. The energy force will become strong; it will sprinkle into your virtues. You will see the reaction in your world as the virtues cover all you do. As you continue to take this new belief system out into your world, the new thoughts will reflect what you see in your world. This will be a result of your new virtues that will stream all the way back to the desperation that started the whole process to begin with. The thoughts will come because of what you see and as you take these thoughts out into your world, your intentions will sparkle for all to see. This process will be flowing through you and the flow of change will come with more knowledge if you keep the thoughts consistent.

 The only way to obtain more knowledge is to give information to others that you receive to keep the flow of energy going through you. The knowledge is a product of the Grace that the Holy Spirit bestows upon you. For some of you the Source of All Creation will direct the power of the Holy Spirit and energy will be projected to those that are deemed ready for such a powerful connection. All the components will be activated. The power of Grace will bring forth a force that will make you feel as though you could burst out of your body.

The feeling of love will flow through your body when you feel touched by Grace. This power will change you instantly. All will experience it as they prepare for their awakening. The universe watches as the Source of All Creation comes to each of you in only the way you can understand. Some will be able to take this source out into their world to share. Some of you will keep it to yourself with the fear that it will be taken away. Others will think they have gone insane. This power will touch every conscious flame of life that sits inside the form your dimension has created called the body. What you do with this power will determine the fate of your planet. You are awakening and the level of the source you bring into your awareness will create or destroy with each decision you make thereafter. It is the natural order of creation and the fear holds many of you that are sleep walking through your day. You see what is on your list for tomorrow and this period of anxiety overwhelms you. You feel the battle in your thoughts with each thing you are to do or with each thing you are not supposed to do that you do anyway.

There will come a day when the air will become so thick that you will have no choice but to look inside yourself for understanding. You will notice a higher sense of awareness that surrounds you. It will not be something you can see, it comes from within you as the spirit intertwines with all your affairs. You will feel as though you are being watched yet long for more of this presence. You will start to have conversations with yourself and you will realize that information is being exchanged in your experiences throughout the day. You will begin to understand how the spirit comes into your conscious state of existence to share the moment with you. You will be explaining what you know and the spirit will intertwine what knowledge you can comprehend to pull you above all you do in the day.

 A.     The Mixture

Those that are awakening will feel different but everything will be the same in the outside world. You will question your sanity as you wake up one day and feel like you are connected to the very core of your being and other days you will feel despair at the idea that your thoughts are meaningless in the overall picture of such a vast universe. You will question if you even have a purpose. This stage of development will be a time to go within your consciousness as you find others do not understand when you try to share your experiences. This will be a period of temperance when all your essence is evolving into the next level of awareness. The mixture of your new awareness will be two-fold. You will be different inside and will bring forth this new mixture out into your world. The uncertainty will not blend well with those around you that know who you were before the discovery of Something Greater. Much resistance will be in the air with those you love. How do you now believe that the spirit lies around you when you were once in such anguish? The process of enlightenment comes not through one event that changes you. Even those who felt as though a bolt of lightning hit their very soul struggle with the everyday tasks that are expected of them. The task of bringing this unseen world out into your every thought takes great effort for everyone who is in human form.

B.      Death

All will assimilate their very essence into this dimension until the day the body goes back to the earth in which it came from. The fear of having no form to identify yourself with has even caused uncertainty in the most enlightened during their time in human form.

The thoughts that there is Something Greater will make you question why you must die and why are you here to begin with? As the universe expands to one day contract back into ONE, so shall your consciousness as you experience the spirit in human form.

The school ground of life will bring you many opportunities for spiritual growth. You can take the lessons of life and turn them into a flow for enlightenment or you can flunk what you call tests and repeat the same subject life-time after life-time until you consciously become aware of what you keep repeating so you can graduate from the current form called human. The fear holds your thoughts that you are nothing without this body until you proceed past this fear. The shedding of your fears will be like the layers of an onion. The more you peel the fears away, the closer you get to the soul.

When all the fears are removed, the soul will shine with a pure connection to the Source of All Creation. Just as the universe intertwines the darkness and the light to create, so do you.
The more desperation you hold, the further you can expand your knowledge for creation. The core of your soul requires the desperation to bring forth the fire to expand out into your world. That is the perfect order of the universe.

There will come a day when all the fear will disappear and you will shine like the morning sun. With enlightenment comes peace that will shine into all your fears and just as the sun brings the day, the peace will bring the light for change. The peace will shine into your fears and the light will cast onto those fears. You will then see your fears in the light that will surround any fear you hold. There will come a day that even the shadows of these fears will be gone and even death will be a glorious occasion for the transition into total awareness. The body holds you into form and will be a vehicle for the growth through this process. Very few of you will understand this process as the information will be given to those who are ready for such growth.  Just as your caterpillar transforms into the butterfly, so shall you transform into total awareness. What does that mean you ask? It is like growing from an infant into the elderly.

As your awareness grows for that glorious day of awakening many events will occur for you. It will be a time of great and fearful events. The spirit of fear will cast doubt on you and this spirit is very strong.

 “And afterward, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and bellows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” Joel 2:28-31

The fear you hold will turn even the view of a beautiful sun into the darkness that lies inside of you. The inside of who you are will be turned into the outside for all to see. How do you turn the fear into the joy forever more? Once you have the knowledge you must make the choice as you discover the kingdom inside of you. The universe will rejoice as you fight the fears that keep you bound in the form you have created. As you grasp for understanding with each breath you take, the flame will ignite with the ONE spirit and all will rejoice as you then appreciate the magnificent of this form you call human. You will then see the moment for all eternity to create while you are in this body and share the knowledge for all universes.

C.      The Moment

The events that will occur as you live within the moment to share with all will bring forth the ever-evolving knowledge of what your time in this body is to bring. As you intertwine the spirit with your thoughts and bring this unseen world out into this dimension, it will pour over into all who blend into this mixture. The flow of change will pour out into your planet and seep into the universe forever more. The ripple effect will be like the rock that is thrown into the middle of a lake and all that stand on the shore will be impacted by this flow that starts inside of you.


Sunday, December 3, 2017

A Bolt of Lightening

This time period has been filled with fear as love sits patiently in the corner and seeps through with each thought it can hold on to. With these forces brings power that will begin to hit you like a bolt of lightning. When you experience the first surge from either source, you will experience what some of you call Grace or anguish. The Grace will hold a feeling of love like you have never known before. The anguish will make you feel like you are in a black hole with no light in sight. The Grace comes through the anguish for the first feeling of love during this time period. Many prophets have written and discussed such a time. There is no specific date that you will experience these emotions that come as lightning bolts. Some of you think that not everyone will need anguish to find Grace. Some of you say there are no such forces at all. It is a process that all of the universe goes through to become conscious of Something Greater. It is a mixture that is made from the universal laws of creation.

Energy will become stronger inside of you, not through the material world; you live it. It becomes stronger inside your essence. Your thoughts are blending into the components you are made of to bring out into physical form. When you feel this mixture stronger than you feel your physical body, you will awaken. Because your planet is in the age of desperation, the force of anguish has blended into your essence and has left little room for love. Without the emptiness that the anguish brings, you cannot find the love. Love cannot seep through thoughts of anger, hatred or rage. It seeps through desperation that is felt through anguish. Some of you are here with a mixture of more love because you have already blended the anguish with the love. Some of you are just finding the anguish so you can empty all you hold in your essence for enlightenment. All go back and forth within themselves until they find the proper combination for spiritual growth.

A.     Karma 

It does matter what events brought you to the current mixture as these define you. It starts within your current level of consciousness. Those of you that take the experiences that lead you to the anguish and replay them over and over are still mixing all the components in search of enlightenment. You are looking for something that can only be found in who you are at this moment. All your past fills you within this very day. The mixture you currently hold is because of your past. This mixture will sit at the bottom of your life force and if new thoughts are not mixed into the foundation for opportunities to learn from the regrets, they will build into the darkness that will cover your life.

With each life you live, you hold the essence from all lifetimes in attempts to find enlightenment in this life. Some of you call it karma when your past comes back to you through more anguish unless you release the bond to those events. As your veil is lifted, you will see how the foundation you hold inside comes from all your lifetimes. All the anger and rage comes from your planets history combined inside of you. How could this be you ask? All the essence of who you are goes back to the start and if you take each piece of what makes you who you are, it will lead all the way back to the Garden of Eden. You have taken the events that occurred in the beginning to complete the cycle of despair. The vastness of your desperation has filled the universe and the planets are aligning for the spirit of change. As you reach the desperation, all time will cease and you will question your existence. The lightning bolt for change will occur. The energy source you choose will be a conscious choice that you have never known before. All will experience this level as the waves of energy mix inside of you to bring you more of what you consciously seek. If you do not allow any new thoughts inside for the spirit you call Holy to enter, the spirit of anguish will consume you with thoughts to even harm yourself or others.

Your children are overwhelmed with these feelings as the force that sits in your gravity feeds off the innocent. The message of violence brings forth the thoughts that cause destruction on your planet. You keep this source alive in your media and in your homes. Your children see much anguish when they look at your world. Those who keep their children protected and do not prepare them for the boundaries that need to be in place will see the inability to cope as their veil is lifted.

All events are relevant and all must make the choice as the sources that brings you love and fear fight for the very essence of who you are. You will become consciously aware as your thoughts of who you thought you were fade away. It can happen through either energy source that will come to you like a bolt of lightning or it can become a slow process.

For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.” Luke 17:24-25

The key is to know that you are already a part of this Greatness and when thoughts enter that make you question if there is Something Greater, that is the day you will have found the hope that comes from the thought that you are a part of this Source. Just as you need your heart to live, you are vital to the universe. Though you may be small, you are vital to creation.

The understanding of growth into the spirit cannot be articulated just as the flower grows into full bloom. “The Kingdom of God is in your midst.” Luke 17:21

It is not seen but felt. It is with a touch that comes from inside yourself. Grace reaches in and lights your flame of life for creation in this dimension. Those that do not understand are mixing their essence subconsciously for the day when they will combine with creation or self-destruction. The universe aligns for this time and the Creator awakens inside of you for enlightenment throughout eternity. The flow of change has been building inside of you for the God of your understanding to live inside of you since the beginning. You are here to bring this force out into this dimension for further creation.

B.      Vengeance

The vengeance of love will be watching through the principles as they see your virtues and know what morals you hold. As you gain awareness that this unseen world exists, you can never go back to the way you were before this knowledge. It will be in your essence that you will then have to consciously decide if you choose to take this responsibility or if you let it pass by as you sit in the darkness with these thoughts that now have turned into knowledge. The awakening is occurring and the choices will be many. This stage of development will bring you to a crossroad within your mind. Do you go forward with the information of a new world that has been talked about all throughout history and give your interpretation of what it means to you or do you turn it into insanity as you spiral down into the darkness of your mind?

You chose this time period to project what energy you hold to further creation. It is the natural order of creation to have destruction always on the outer edges. Just as the universe expands into the darkness, so do you.

C.      Gratitude and Resistance

The expansion of awareness comes through the feeling of gratitude. The natural order of any emotions flow within the same way that all energy flows. The feeling of gratitude expands into love as the love turns into despair when the feeling leaves you. As you become more conscious of these emotions, the waves of energy will be felt as you learn to not resist any feelings that come. Resistance follows the universal law of more force within such a reaction. As you feel these emotions consciously fighting for your attention, you must break them down into two categories. The resistance will come as protection when the feeling of uncertainty occurs. If you identify with why you are resisting the experiences that events present to you at any given time, you will find the uncertainty will bring the need for decisions. Because your planet is covered in fear-based thoughts that have carried over since your beginning, the natural response to most events that bring you uncertainty will be filled with fear-based thoughts.

When you become conscious of this type of response you will be seeing these emotions from a different perspective. You will begin to see the greater good of what is happening in this life. You will move your thoughts above the negative level and you will crawl up into the loving thoughts called gratitude. Even if you have physical pain or physical ailments, you will see that you have brought your level of consciousness closer to a relationship with the God of your understanding. How can such pain bring you closer to your Creator you ask? As you go through spiritual growth, all your affairs will become a part of the mixture that builds into the strength needed for courage to continue searching for a glimmer of this unseen world. If you are seeking for this world, that is the first sign of change.

This world only calls to those who are ready and if you are reading this, you are “waking up” to the awareness that all the universe rejoices to be a part of this time so all can live together as ONE. Your days in the first stage of awareness will bring much resistance as you fight within your thoughts that hold this unseen world.

Some of you are surrounded by many material things and see your success in this world by what you own. The echo will be heard in your thoughts as you question, “So what is next?” You will find that as your planet moves through what you call the Milky Way, your thoughts will expand into the awareness that there is Something Greater that comes to even you in attempts to create in your little world. With each piece that you put together within yourself as you fuse it all together, the result will ever evolve into the vastness of the universe. This body will then be viewed as a product of what you hold inside just as the snake sheds his skin.

D.     Gravity

Everyone comes into this dimension to bring more of this unseen world out into a conscious state of existence. The resistance comes because of your gravity that holds all of your fears. This source of power is conscious of your thoughts and feeds off of the individual streams within your mind. It grows stronger as your world collides with the unseen world. The end result will be like none before on your planet, yet these laws play out in all creation. The ever- ending flow of the darkness that creates because of the light will play out inside your thoughts. It is the natural order of creation and as you become conscious of your fears that go back to the beginning, the battle brings you choices. The first reaction will be to resist such thoughts as you become fearful of being without this body to find such a world that lies only in your mind. You will question if it is possible to bring such a world out into your life.




The Principles and the Source of All Creation

Above the knowledge lies the laws that are called the Principles. These laws are carried out by entities that some of you call angels. The Principles are at war and this war trails all the way back to the beginning of your creation in the Garden of Eden. The Creator placed the laws in your life to ensure freewill. If you decide to go against these laws, there are consequences. The times you think you are being tested are the times the Principles are at work to help you identify what your true intentions are in your experiences during your time in this dimension. During this stage of development, traumatic events may occur as the Principles work to keep you on the path of your purpose in this time period. The Principles look at your intentions and compare them to your actions. If your intentions are different from your actions, confusion occurs. This is the beginning of change as you begin to realize that all that has occurred for you is necessary so you can go back to the beginning of fear to compare it with the knowledge you now hold. With each time you gain more understanding of the differences, you become more responsible with the awareness you hold. The Principles are watching to ensure that you hold the proper intentions.  The Principles are from a higher energy source that permeate into your thoughts. They give you thoughts that are from even higher realms and are more powerful than the spirit that sits between your thoughts and emotions.

When you discover the Principles and begin to visualize them as entities, events will change with the awareness that they exist. You will become responsible for this information as well. This is when you know you are chosen for this task as you search inside to remember where you came from before you had this knowledge. You are forever changed and during this stage, you are not sure what that means to you. You are now looking from a different paradigm and you are unsure of how to focus as you push your thoughts forward towards the God of your understanding. The Principles have their own separate source of power and they can impact one or all of the activating components that you hold. They give you knowledge.

Above the Principles lies the Source of All Creation. This source has the power to control even the Principles. The laws and time are irrelevant at this level and rules are not needed. All other levels have the universal laws. This level of awareness is the law and it can change the course of action instantly. This level is creation. Just as your words vibrate into the air for action, your Creator does the same.

Depending upon which level of awareness you are currently in, like energy will attract to you. Depending upon your virtues (or course of action), the Principles will respond. When you reach within the core of your soul, you will find the part of you that connects directly with the Source of All Creation. You will feel as though you have been hit with a bolt of lightning when you connect with this Source and all time will cease.  Some of you call this feeling the Holy Spirit that brings you a flow of energy called Grace. The soul is felt in desperation and humility. If you keep these two components activated, you keep a direct flow of energy coming to you from the Creator of All.

The key is to not suffer with your thoughts that lie beneath the Principles. As you reach the soul through the connection to your heart, all becomes affected by the way you respond to this process. Your desperation and humility can be full of love or fear. You have control as to which way you want to interpret your experiences to get either a fear-based result or a love-based result. It is your responsibility to keep the body fit and healthy while you go through this growing stage. The body was made as a vessel for the spirit. As we wake up to this knowledge one person at a time, you will see the greater good of what you are and why you are here. You carry your memories which make up your current life.