Wednesday, March 19, 2014

If You So Choose

It doesn’t matter what you look like or what your physical ailments are.  What matters are the thoughts that either shine your beauty or the thoughts that make you physically sick.  If you stop right where you are at this moment and listen to what is going on inside your head, you will find a world that brings you the reality of who you are.  Are you afraid? Are you angry? Are you capable of connecting, with a feeling at all?  Once you can identify with who you are inside, you can take any experience and turn it into a celebration within your mind.  Even if you are sick and think you are dying, you will find that you can take this moment and make it something new.  You can find one thing to be grateful for that can bring forth a loving feeling if you so choose.  No matter how much pain you hold, the universal law that love can heal will occur.  Even when you feel as though you just want to die, love will take these feelings and repair your wounds.  You know love heals, yet you sit in your thoughts of fear.  You say that you have no choices and find reasons to keep the fear that prevents you from healing.  The love is not for anyone else but you.  You are in a time period where you can heal yourself from the inside out if you so choose.  You can question this ability and you can block the opportunity to allow the knowledge that love will bring.  Take your fears and turn them into hope and faith of what love can bring you.  This is all about you and no one else.  It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of you or how anyone feels about you.  It only matters what you feel and think of yourself.  As you learn how to find the love inside you, everyone else will want it too.  Take the fear that stops you from loving and know that no one can touch that part of you as the universal laws bring protection that trails behind the feeling of love.  You will find that all kinds of feelings trail after love just as all kinds of feelings trail after fear.  Each emotion will bring you thoughts that will bring forth your reality.  As you look out towards the crossroads within your mind, the awareness of what the emotion of love and the emotion of fear bring helps you make your choice of which path to choose.  Look towards the trail behind love and then look towards the trail of fear.  One path is full of light and the other is full of darkness.  You will notice that the further you go into the path of fear, the darker the path becomes.  You will notice that the further you go into the path of love, the brighter the path becomes.  As you learn that your awareness is constant, even when you no longer have this body, the path you want to travel changes in your mind.  As you begin to seek for understanding, you will find that each time you take a step onto the path of love or fear, your perspective of what is in front of your eyes will change.  You will walk through love and see the miracle of the rain that gives the trees nourishment. You will walk through fear and see the illusion of what the storms represent within your mind.  This is all about you and no one else.  What you see is what you think.  What you think is what you feel.  Love the moment if you so choose or run away in fear.  Take the time to see the beauty right within your mind.  Change the colors that you see throughout your day.  Open your eyes to a different view and you will find a love inside that has a trail of promises that will be seen all around you.  Even on the path of fear, love will shine inside and as you look through the darkness, the light of love will call to you.  Take the moment and see the light that shines back to you through the world around if you so choose.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Right Where You Are

You are right where you are suppose to be in this moment.  Even reading this makes you stop and notice yourself.  Look at your feet, your hands and your chest.  This moment is all you have and all that stuff in your head complicates what you are doing in that body.  Reach out to the space in front of you and notice the things around you.  Do you see a flower that is dying or a flower in full bloom?  You have the ability to take this moment and make it anything you choose.  The day begins inside your thoughts that are guided by your emotions.  Stop the thought and feel the emotion that is behind it.  If you cannot identify the feeling, breathe in and out until you feel the connection.  Allow the peace inside to merge into the thought.  Even in a difficult experience, you have control of what feelings and what thoughts you hold.  That is who you are and nothing more.  You can become the King of your thoughts with the proper feelings.  In between the two lies a force that brings you love or fear.  The balance is needed to remind you of who you are inside.  The spirit of love will bring you one type of feeling and thought while the spirit of fear will bring you another.  You will go back and forth with thoughts and feelings trying to decide who you are and you will find that you are right where you are and nothing more.  Look to the sky and see the clouds that will move for you if you feel the movement as they float by.  See the glow of the leaves on the trees and know they are for you to admire.  Hear the birds sing just for you.  Take this knowledge and go forth into the part of you that seeks for love and know that you are right where you are and nothing more.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Introduction: The Spirit Behind Thoughts and Emotions

Right between our thoughts and emotions lies an entry way into a world that we cannot see but can hear in our mind.  This book explains how this unseen world crawls into our thoughts and emotions and helps create our reality.  The author teaches us how to believe in a world that cannot be seen.  The pages can be used as a reference guide to show how emotions can be turned into a connection with a power that lies inside to bring you a new world, full of wonder and excitement.  There are entries that show how to take negative thinking and turn them into a pathway towards a God of your understanding.  The author brings her own personal experiences into the book as examples of how the information can be used for understanding as we take a look into the spirit world.  It is written from three different perspectives with “I”, “You” and “We” being interchangeable throughout the book. The information that is written from the perspective of Something Greater is a gift to savior on our path towards finding the purpose inside. Emotions and thoughts are broken down to explain how the spirit world enters our experiences and short stories are followed to demonstrate how everything combines together to give us freedom as we learn how to take control of our thoughts.  We learn how the spirit world works inside the mind and how to view what we think and feel from a whole new perception. We are shown how knowledge is gained for wisdom and how the world around us speaks to us as messages.  This book answers questions about the spirit world that have been rejected throughout history and brings forth many more questions about what the spirit really is to us.  The magic of the rising of the sun and the beauty of the storms that surround us can be found within the pages and we are shown how we do not have to suffer with our thoughts any longer.  The author takes us out of our problems and places us on a pedelstal so we can take a different view of what is happening in our world.  The magnificence of who we are and why we are here is explained.  Even on the days that we do not like our self, we will find something in this book that will inspire us to crawl upon the pedalstel and see the beautiful world within the mind.  We are shown how to find a love within that no one can touch and everyone will want.  The information in this book will spread like a fire through the forest as we “wake up” to who we really are in this time period and we will understand how we are protected by an unseen force that covers the sky.  We learn how to join a level of consciousness in the mind to find happiness, the fire of joy and freedom to take control of our thoughts and feelings on the path towards a God of our understanding.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Rippling Effect

The magnificence of our ever evolving creation is beyond our comprehension as we predict the way our planet will evolve.  We can see where our conscious state of existence will take us.  We can look back through history to see how we have changed since the first documented accounts of our creation.  As we look at where we have come from throughout history, we can see where we have been on a global scale as well as in the masses.  As we take a magnified glass and look directly at our self as an individual, we can see a whole other world.  The direct space that is around us projects out into our immediate surroundings.  We have the power to project anything we want into that space.  We can turn the beauty of a flower into the flaws of perfection.  We have the ability to make things and people respond to us depending upon how we project our self out to them.  As we try to maintain in the world around us and balance what we feel and think at the same time, we will be projecting this energy into the immediate space around us.  If we are feeling good about our self and our thoughts are positive, this will radiate from our being and out into the space around us.  Others will say they can “feel” our sadness, our joy, our happiness or our anger.  This energy determines what others will give back to us as they are pulled into our feelings and thoughts.  If we refuse to allow anything to be seen by others that will immediately let them know not to pursue any interaction with us at all.  If we are feeling sad but do not want to tell others how we feel and we say that we are “fine” the illusion of what we are really projecting out to others occurs.  As we become more aware of how the world responds to us, we will seek for ways to improve the interaction we have with the world around us.  This change in our awareness brings forth changes like the rippling effect when a rock is thrown into the middle of a lake.  The more aware we become of this ability, the more responsible we are to the effects we create.  There will come a day when we will identify ways to cause rippling effects in the world around us to improve not only our space but, also, the space that surrounds us.  It will be like cleaning a window as we start with the dirtiest spot first and as we clean, we will see the most magnificent view after all is cleared away.  We will be surprised to find out that the view was always there and we just had to clean our mind to find it.  It will be like seeing a bird nest in the tree that you look at every day and discover that it has been there way before you noticed it. We are ever evolving and we will begin to notice the world within our thoughts as we seek to learn more.  The more we ask for, the more knowledge we will receive.  Each time the sun rises, it is symbolic of a new day that rises in our thoughts.  We can either soak up as much of the love that we can find or we can look for the clouds in the sky that will block this ability and turn away in fear of the unknown.  Do we listen to a world full of hate or do we focus on the space that we can immediately have an effect on?  We start with a feeling that creates a thought.  We stop in between to decide which feeling we will carry forward to create the thought.  With each time we hold on to the feeling of love or the feeling of fear, we bring more of this energy into our essence and ultimately into the space around us.  As we evolve with the energy we choose to bring forth into our immediate space, we are creating the rippling effect that determines our heaven or our hell in our mind.


Sunday, March 9, 2014


As our awareness grows, we will begin to identify the relevance of everything around us.  As we pull things and people into our life through our thoughts, we will become empowered by the verification of what we think and feel that emerges into our life.  We will not forget the times when we could not have one positive thought as we remember where we came from for the gratitude of who we are today as a result.  We will keep the memories of who we were so we can share who we have become because of our past.  We will become empowered by our new found knowledge that we can create our world inside our thoughts and we will feel as though we will burst to share it with others.  As we go back and forth in our mind and see the impact of negative thoughts verses positive thoughts, we will seek only love in attempts to keep the wonderful flow inside of us.  There may be times when we react to situations around us in a negative way and the effects within our world will be surprising as we strive to correct the negative thinking.  With each time we replace the negative thoughts with loving thoughts, the outcome will become more positive.  When we gain control of what thoughts we allow inside our mind, we become empowered to create our world right before our eyes.  The feel of love will burst from inside and the world around us will have to abide by the universal laws that Something Greater created to ensure that love is carried out as we think it into our world.  As we verbalize our needs and ask with loving intentions, it will be created in our reality.  Even those we love will be affected by our thoughts and they will not realize it.  We will begin to notice that the people we think about will be pulled into our world in ways that we will find difficult to articulate.  We will begin to see the symbolism of people in the world around us.  Even in the times that we are thinking about them through objects, experiences or words they will emerge into our reality.  Why did they call right when we thought about them?  The more we notice these occurrences, the more verification we will have that our thoughts are creating the world around us.  We will learn that there are no coincidences.  We will realize that we are creating our world with every thought that we hold in our mind. 

There will come a day when we will be able to hold only love and will not react to negative situations as we take our love and turn the experiences into a positive outcome.  We will begin to realize that we hold the power inside of us and we make our heaven in our world by taking all the negativity around us and turning it into something full of love.  Even in the situations that may show our vulnerability, we will realize that we are opening our self up for love so we can grow on our path to Something Greater.  There will come a day when we will identify love in all situations as we seek for the God of our understanding, regardless of other’s interpretations.  We will surrender to all that this feeling represents to us and we will realize that no one can make us feel or think anything that we do not allow inside of our mind.  The clarity will come as we only listen to the voice of love and we will know that each moment is made to carry this love out to our world.  The empowerment comes with the knowledge that Something Greater dwells inside and it is our responsibility to bring this power forth to others.  Some of us will demonstrate this power through action to help others, some of us will demonstrate this power through words to inspire others and all of us will seek every day for which path Something Greater wants us to travel on our quest to share all we hold inside that is a gift.  We will be instructed to give this gift to those who will accept and hold it for their own.