You have been in a time of standstill. It is like the scuba diver who waits to catch up with the pressures in the water as they return from the deep. You think you have it on some days and then just as you think you do, it's gone. You want to pretend it's not happening, so you focus on menial things. Inside you know you're supposed to be doing something else. Something with the purpose. Something for the masses. We All know a shift is occurring. All stand in the crossroads within their minds anticipating on which direction to take. Knowing they know, yet they don't know what they know. Uncomfortability is reaching the pressure for movement. The advice We give at this time is to stay rooted within your body and mind. Trust the process and know you are just remembering what you've already experienced. Remember, you have ascended and the body. is just catching up to this understanding.